
Endless Escape Level 25 – Level 36 Walkthrough

Endless Escape Level 25 – Level 36 Walkthrough

The newly released Endless Escape has just been updated with a major update, bringing us 12 new levels. I am here to share with you the walkthrough for all of these new levels, which means that we’ll see here the Endless Escape Level 25 – Level 36 Walkthrough. So let’s get it started, because it’s a long ride for us!

NOTE: In order to be able to start from level 25 and not do all over the previous levels, you need the password that you received last time you played. The password (mine, at least), was “hotdog” and you can use it in the options menu to have access to the new levels!

Endless Escape Level 25 walkthrough
Notice the objects to the left? Well, you have to match their original colors to the right. So on the top row we have: Yellow, Blue, Green. The middle row: Red, light orange, brown. And final row: Black, White, Orange.

Endless Escape Level 26 walkthrough
Here, you have to tap the correct pieces on the right to create a star. It’s pretty visible in the middle of the painting (or check it out below in the image):

Endless Escape Level 27 walkthrough
The names are actually indicators for cardinal points. So Einstein is East, Neuman Edison is NE and so on. You need to tap the arrow as indicated by the directions: right, top right, down, up, left

Endless Escape Level 28 walkthrough
Here you have to “draw” the key by tapping the correct squares on the board to the right. Here is how it has to look like:

Endless Escape Level 29 walkthrough
If you look with some attention at the game screen, you notice that the “endless escape” logo now has an X – tap it and put the X in the top right corner, then get the key and exit!

Endless Escape Level 30 walkthrough
When you start this level, you see some card shapes in the corners (when it announced the level). In case you didn’t, these are, top: diamond, spade and bottom: heart, club.

Endless Escape Level 31 walkthrough
Shake the phone to break the glass. Take the stethoscope and use it on the safe. Get the key and exit.

Endless Escape Level 32 walkthrough
Tap the machine and get the coin that appears. Select the coin and scratch the inventory spots under it, until you find the key (with coin selected, swipe over the inventory spots)

Endless Escape Level 33 walkthrough
Change the colors so they match the Google Play logo. The colors are: Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red.

Endless Escape Level 34 walkthrough
Changing just 3 sticks, you must make the fish face right. So move top stick to row 4, column 4. Then move row 2, column 2 stick to row 4, column 2. Finally, move row 2, column 4 stick to middle bottom.

Endless Escape Level 35 walkthrough
Shake the phone until the glass is completely broken, then get the key and exit.

Endless Escape Level 36 walkthrough
From top to bottom, the black animals should show animals from smallest to biggest. So the order is: mouse, rabbit, wolf, bear. And you’re out, with the password PIZZA given!

UPDATE: The walkthrough for levels from 37 and up have been posted here on Unigamesity (click the link to visit)!

And this is it, you have completed the new stages of Endless Escape and you can wait patiently for the next update and when it hits, we’ll be here with the walkthroughs for you! Thanks, Endless Escape Walkthrough for the help!


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tracy davies

well i have updated my endless escape game and stuck on level 38 but u have not updated your walkthrough cheats yet please hurry up and do so i cant get past it so im finding it very hard to do it hhheeelllppp me plz

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Calin Ciabai

I have just downloaded the update, Tracy and will post the walkthrough as soon as possible!