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Welcome to Unigamesity, the university for gamers! If our tagline doesn’t satisfy your needs or you just want to know more about what this Unigamesity really is, you’re on the right page!

So let’s start by sharing a little secret with you: we’re not a real university, you know? We have no sports teams, no dorms, no cheerleaders (at least none we know about) and no frat parties. We don’t even have a campus! But we do have some things that make us the best place on Earth!

We’re truly next-gen, we’re different, we’re unique, we have style and humor and the guts to say exactly what’s on our mind. We’re honest and eminently fair, but we do get really excited when a super-project is announced (and we also get mad when or if it utterly fails). And all these because, just like you, just like everybody in this young and growing community, we’re gamers, above all things.

We’re not the teachers here in the Unigamesity (actually, there are no teachers here at all, which means that we can party all night and all day, yahoo!). We’re not the “know-it-all” kind of persons, we’re not the super-hyped-but-brainless fanboys who see nothing but the greatness of their crappy console. We’re your colleagues and we are Gamers. W00t!

We might not have the looks or the finances of other similar websites, but we do have the most important thing of them all: Passion! We’re also giving you a chance to learn a thing or two by offering you a feast of high quality games coverage: the latest, hottest news about computer games, the best and most unbiased reviews and previews, the most daring and brain-teasing features and all the help you can get from our complete walkthroughs. We promise to keep you informed and updated: if a hot game was announced or an awesome flash game was just released, you will first find about it here! And even better – everything is offerd for FREE! Because that’s what Unigamesity, the university for gamers is teaching you about: games – the stuff you like!

Please note: On this blog, you can find affiliate links. This means that if you decide to purchase something by clicking on an affiliate link, I will receive a small fee from that purchase. However, this does NOT increase the price you pay – it just helps keeping the blog alive and my family fed.

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