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Co-Op Farming Guide for FarmVille Farmers



A highly anticipated new FarmVille feature has been released today by Zynga as an Easter present probably: Co-op Farming! I am sure you are curious to find out all the tips and tricks, the strategy and the details regarding this amazing new feature, so prepare to read on a complete guide to Co-Op Farming in FarmVille!

You will be announced via a pop-up that co-op farming has been introduced to the game: “Team up with your neighbors to take on farming challenges” the pop-up will say (if you missed it, click on the small thumbnail image to enlarge it and see it again).

But what is co-op farming in FarmVille? It is a new feature that allows neighbors to complete farming jobs together in order to get huge rewards and expand the game’s social element. Basically, you or your friends will be allowed to ask for help in completing FarmVille jobs (like planting and harvesting a specific number of crops) – then other friends can be recruited to do the job. The sooner you manage to get the desired number of crops, the bigger the rewards will be!

In order to access the co-op farming feature, you will have to click the button to the right of the menu (instead of the delete tool) and a new pop-up will appear, similar to the one below:

There are three tabs in this window, as announced on the official forums:
All Jobs shows what jobs you have available to start, or any jobs that you can join from your neighbors.
Active Jobs will show the progress that you have made on any jobs you have started.
Job History shows your stats for all the jobs you’ve attempted.

When deciding to join a co-op job, you will be shown the possible rewards you can earn if you manage, together with your neighbors, to harvest the required number of crops: the bronze and silver rewards are easier to get and grant you some experience points and coins as a bonus, while the gold reward is more difficult to achieve, but except for the XP and coins, it will also reward all of the team members with special item exclusive to Gold medal winners. In order to see that special item you can win, simply hover your mouse over the gold reward!

How do you start a co-op farming job? To start a job, click the Start button (or in the case of jobs from your neighbors, the Join button) where you’ll be taken to a description of the job, as well as the requirements and rewards. Please note that at the moment of writing this, not every FarmVille player is allowed to start jobs, so if you can’t do so, just have some patience or join an already existing job.

Also have in mind that if you join a co-op farming job started by another player, you can leave at any moment (but receive zero rewards, even if the job is finished in time). However, if you start a job, you can only leave it if all your neighbors leave the job first.

According to the official forums, once you complete a job with your friends, you’ll get the following screen of congratulations:

This po-up window details what medal you were awarded, what percentage of the work each member of your co-op did, and what rewards you’ve received (rewards differ for each jobs). From here, you’ll be able to post a feed announcing your accomplishment, as well offering a special bonus of 100 coins for up to 5 neighbors to collect.

What happens if you fail to finish a co-op farming job? Well.. nothing! You get no rewards, and you’re allowed to join another job, or start a new one.

In order to read more about the Co-op Farming in Farmville, such as details about the three new ribbons and rewards for the jobs, make sure to check back and follow the links to the new posts!

Also, feel free to discuss strategies and tips of your own in the comment section below and don’t forget to share this guide on Facebook, Twitter, Digg and send the link to all your friends to help them out!

Special offer: A complete FarmVille guide can be purchased right now fur just $27. It would certainly put an end to all your problems related to the game and turn you into a FarmVille master. Click the link to check it out!

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  1. rdarko

    April 4, 2010 at 10:13 am

    How to cancel co-op Farming

  2. Calin

    April 7, 2010 at 9:15 am

    You can quit by going to the “Active jobs” section and selecting the option. But, as I wrote in the article, if you have started the co-op farming and there are still members besides you, you can only cancel after everybody else quits.

  3. strattdawg

    April 8, 2010 at 5:10 am

    What actually goes toward the MVP ribbon. Meaning, is that percentage built on both planting and harvesting or just harvesting? I’ve seen people plant the most and harvest only a few and not get the award and then someone who joins late, plants their who field (not contributing to the amount because we have already reached the plant goal) but be the first to harvest and get lots of percentage points.

  4. Calin

    April 8, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Well, the MVP award in the co-op farming doesn’t mean that much anyway, since no extra prize is given to the MVP…

  5. MGio

    April 9, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    Do people that contribute 0% to the job get a reward?

    • christina

      May 22, 2010 at 5:30 am

      I am wanting to know the same thing as for one who just joins and everything has already been seeded do they get a reward too

  6. donna

    April 10, 2010 at 3:27 am

    What if no one joins the co op I’ve started? Do I still get the xps if I manage to finish it by myself before the bronze time limit is up?

  7. nadia

    April 10, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    Well. I joined but when I harvest, not all show on job history. Also, do i have to seed from scratch or could i use plants seeded earlier? Please tell me. Thanks.

    • Georgette

      June 26, 2010 at 5:35 am

      you can get your plants to count, but you have to, plant before harvesting them. If you have like 20 empty plots, you seed them, and then harvest 20 and they’ll count. Then you plow and seed the 20 you just harvested, and keep doing this. You have to keep track of how many you seeded. or the extra one will not count. I usually plant my whole field, then when they are ready to harvest, I start the coop then. I always have 20 empty plots to start. Does that make sense??????

  8. gen

    April 11, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    what level do i have to be and/or how many neighbors do i have to have in order to start participating in a co op??

    • Kemphaas

      April 12, 2010 at 11:41 am

      You have to be lvl 20, no neighbour count needed as far as I know

  9. Surfingtechkansas

    April 15, 2010 at 1:33 am

    How do you plant a crop?? Hours later and I haven’t started> Please help, there is NOTHING in the forms

    • Rea

      April 29, 2010 at 2:12 am

      You hit the plow button in the bottom right corner of the screen among the tools. When your mouse hovers over it it will show something labeled plow tool which you click. Then in your field click areas where you would like to plant. Ideally the plots are touching for good use of space but it’s your prerogative. Then click on the market button and go to the seeds section. Pick what you want to plant and select it. and click on the plots you plowed to plant.

  10. Arzoo

    May 1, 2010 at 11:22 am

    I’m facing problem from last 15 days. My Job page don’t load jobs. it shows blank window. After that i cant do anything on Farmville. I’ve to restart game. plzz guide

    • Sally

      August 13, 2010 at 6:37 pm

      This has happened to me today. There aren’t any answers on this website. What can I do to fix this or is it a FV glitch? It has been working fine up until now.

    • Problem

      August 15, 2010 at 4:46 am

      Same problem here since today!
      When I click Co-op icon, I see left panel with all 3 options, but they don’t work.
      The screens stays brown.
      And when I click the cross to close tab, if freezes and I can’t go on with the game. I’ve to restart too…
      Any solution for that?

      Thanks in advance!

    • Line

      August 15, 2010 at 9:51 pm

      Mine just started acting up this morning after I finished/completed the new co-op for the wheat job. After that – I get blank screen when I click on the Co-op button. Then it freezes also. Need help!

    • sharon

      August 16, 2010 at 2:10 am

      I’ve had a blank brown screen on my co-op menu all day. Any relief in sight?

    • toto

      August 16, 2010 at 7:49 pm

      I cannot load co-op page for 4 days. It’s blank with only brown screen shown. I cannot close the co-op pages as well..
      It’s not from the computer coz my friend can load his co-op page from my computer while I cannot. It’s because of the account.. :-(
      ็Hope FV will fix it soon.

    • Margy

      August 17, 2010 at 7:16 pm

      When I click Co-op, I see left panel with all 3 options, but they don’t work.
      The screens stays brown.
      When I start clicking tabs, it freezes. I have to leave FV. This happened after harvesting my wheat crop last night! :(

  11. Nadia

    May 1, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    What happens if I leave a co-op after I plan and gather the crops? The co-ops that I join drag for a long time because somebody always forgets to harvest. Do I loose the points from the reward? I see people from my co-op finishing another co-op while I am still waiting the first one to finish. How is this it possible?

  12. Spade

    May 5, 2010 at 9:07 pm

    can i ask, why i can’t join the co-op farming with my friends? i’m already in level 21. well, i suppose can join them.. please do help me..

    • Nadia

      May 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm

      From what I see, you can join only co-ops that your friends start. If a friend of a friend starts it, you will not be able to join.

  13. Linda Balon

    May 6, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    For the past 2 days, I’ve tried to join a co op. I’ve done a number of them before, but now, it doesn’t matter who’s co op I try to join, I get a fail message. I’ve already logged out and rebooted, but that hasn’t helped

    • michelle brooks

      May 9, 2010 at 4:19 pm

      i am in the same situation as u, i have done several and now the message says this co-op is finished or full!
      I dont understand y i could do several and now none this game is really starting to p me off i have looked it up everywhere contacted FV and no one has an answer and no one looks like fixing the problem either if u find a solution plz let me know thanks

  14. Lavern Raphael

    May 7, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Why can’t i join a co-op on farmville, i have passed level 20 and even if one person is on the co-op it keeps telling me co-op is full

  15. Trudi

    May 11, 2010 at 5:03 am

    I think its bad of Zynga to say please refrain from contacting them with this problem.

  16. Trudi

    May 12, 2010 at 1:13 pm

    All I want to do is use a co-op, keep getting its no longer available or full when its clearly not.

  17. Siddhu

    May 16, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Hey How’d you complete the job in just 14 mins?

  18. Baguio_Beans

    May 18, 2010 at 2:52 am

    For all the people who’s experiencing the same problem as I do.. where one can’t join co-op jobs because for some reasons it’s full when clearly it’s not.. I’ve found a workaround.. here’s what You need to do..presuming that you are at the co-op menu..

    – start a job ( yes, your own )
    – when it’s created – click return to game..
    – then go back, and quit the job.. after doing so, that’s when you are able to join others for a co-op job.

    • Trudi

      May 18, 2010 at 1:17 pm

      Baguio_Beans Thank you so much your tip worked! I tried it last night but couldn’t go into a co-op as I had a field full of lilacs planted, just harvested them, then went into the co-op jobs & it worked.:)

    • Baguio_Beans

      May 19, 2010 at 3:55 am

      You’re welcome Trudi… another tip: if for instance, you guys got your field full of crops ready to be harvested and has not joined a co-op job yet? you might wanna try leaving them unharvested until you join a co-op job.. normally, if you do join one and harvest it – it will not count.. but there’s a trick to it….. for example : you got your field full of grapes ready to be harvested.. join a job where you harvest grapes.. after joining, harvest 12 of those grapes ( they won’t count – but that is ok ).. plow the plots.. then seed 12 grapes.. this time, the 12 seeded grapes will count.. then again, harvest 12, plow, then seed 12.. it does take time but I think that’s worth it.. that’s how some people get to finish jobs quicker than normal..

  19. Christina

    May 19, 2010 at 6:15 am

    Hi there

    If I quit a co-op that I’m in (as a helper), do the crops I have harvested still count towards the co-op? Or does it leave the other members stranded? I am sometimes in co-ops and waiting for so long, and see other co-ops come up that it can get frustrating. I would like to quit but unsure whether it will affect the other members.

    • Baguio_Beans

      May 20, 2010 at 8:48 am

      I’m not quite sure.. but what I believe is that, the crops you seeded and harvested for that current job would still count even if you leave.. haven’t tried doing it yet, so I can’t really confirm.. what you can do is create a test account.. after doing so, start a job.. log-in that test account that you have just registered/created.. then make it join your job.. let it seed 10 crops.. after which, you make it quit the job.. then, go back to your main account.. and check if the seeded crops were counted or not..

    • Kay Pritzl

      September 27, 2010 at 6:16 pm

      THey count for the co-op & it doesn’t leave your friends hanging… I read it somewhere…

  20. Stacy

    May 20, 2010 at 7:31 am

    Can I plant a crop that is needed for a co-op, wait for it to be ready for harvested, then start the co-op job, harvest, and have those crops count towards the goal? Or must I first create the job and then plant the crops for it to count?

    • Baguio_Beans

      May 20, 2010 at 8:58 am

      If you have your crops ready to be harvested.. and start a job of your own? no, normally – the crops won’t be counted as harvested.. but then again, there’s a trick to it.. what you can do to make it count as explained above is.. HARVEST 20 crops.. PLOW the 20 plots where you have just harvested the crops.. then plant/SEED 20 crops on them.. by this time, those newly seeded crops will count..then you can harvest another 20 ( to which at this time will start to count as harvested).. plow.. then seed again.. harvest another 20.. and so on and so forth.. the number of “harvested” crops that will be counted depends on how many crops you previously “seeded”..

    • Stacy

      May 20, 2010 at 3:59 pm

      Nice! Thanks for that trick. =)

  21. Chetchet Panlilio Luz

    May 24, 2010 at 6:52 am

    How come I cant join coop farming of my neighbors. it says the farm is full or it does not exist even though it just started. What’s wrong.

  22. Trudi

    May 24, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Chetchet I found this from Baguio_Beans helpful when I had the same problem as you, its posted further up on this pae but will put here for you:

    For all the people who’s experiencing the same problem as I do.. where one can’t join co-op jobs because for some reasons it’s full when clearly it’s not.. I’ve found a workaround.. here’s what You need to do..presuming that you are at the co-op menu..

    – start a job ( yes, your own )
    – when it’s created – click return to game..
    – then go back, and quit the job.. after doing so, that’s when you are able to join others for a co-op job.

    It does work I used it & it seemed to clear what ever was causing the problem.

  23. Baguio_Beans

    May 25, 2010 at 5:35 am

    Doesn’t it annoy you sometimes that a friend asks you for a certain building (stable, nursery, etc.) material and even if you do want to give it to them, you can’t? For example, they ask for a nail.. and as much as you’d like to help them get it , you can’t, because you can only give a harness or a wooden board? Well, worry no more.. I have found a solution for it.. the following are the links to certain gifts..

    Horse Stable materials:






    Nursery Barn Materials :






    • Baguio_Beans

      May 25, 2010 at 5:38 am

      so here’s how it works.. let’s say, a friend of yours asks for a horseshoe.. click the link next to the Horseshoe below the Horse Stable materials.. notice the underlined texts? When you click it, it will send you to the free gift page.. then you just have to select that friend’s name.. and send it.. have fun people..

  24. Trudi

    May 25, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Does anyone know if FV is ever going to give us more farm space? As I have a rather crowded farm, I’m sure others do also. Thanks

  25. Myron

    June 17, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    what if you didn’t have the pop up

  26. alex

    July 9, 2010 at 9:57 am


    • Christina

      July 9, 2010 at 11:32 am

      Alex, you have to be level 20 to be able to participate in co-op farming. I suspect you are below level 20 if you don’t have a co-op button.

  27. dark5

    July 18, 2010 at 11:24 am

    can i join more than 1 coop job at the same time?

    • Christina

      July 18, 2010 at 2:02 pm

      No you can only be in one co-op at a time.

  28. Melina

    July 27, 2010 at 9:45 am

    Hello, is there a way to kick out farmers that join the co op when is about to end? The last two co ops I’ve had “neighbors” join right at 80% but they did not plant/seed the needed crops and by them joining at the very end doesn’t this add more plots to seed/harvest?

    • Christina

      July 27, 2010 at 2:16 pm

      NO there’s no way to stop this from happening. I personally delete anyone who joins without an intention to contribute. If they plant the crop but don’t end up contributing I’m a bit more lenient, but if they don’t even plant the crop they’re gone off my list. I consider it a form of cheating – a very easy way to level up without working for it.

  29. candice

    August 7, 2010 at 1:38 am

    i could not complete my coop job because i overlooked 5 plots of crop during harvest and has gone to wither. is there any alternative to complete the coop? i cannot plant again coz planting is done.

    • Christina

      August 7, 2010 at 5:14 am

      You can plant more even if the planting is done and it will still count towards the co-op. You could use your biplane if you need to harvest immediately in order to get gold etc. 5 plots would only cost you 1FV cash

  30. Trudi

    August 15, 2010 at 6:51 pm

    I’m also having problems with the co-op it seems to load then just goes to a brown screen, & sits there.Its been like this since last night, is anyone else having the same problem?

  31. Christina

    August 16, 2010 at 1:09 am

    Hi, I have had the same problem for the past 3 days (when co-op tab is loading it goes to a blank brown screen then freezes everything). It happened straight after harvesting for the bakery co-op. I have emailed Zynga and they have responded saying that lots of people are reporting this problem and they are looking into it.

    • Trudi

      August 16, 2010 at 1:13 am

      I think mine also did the same after harvesting wheat for the co-op. Thank you Christine for the information that Zynga are looking into it, I couldn’t find anything about it when I looked up support, earlier today.
      Just wish the would say on the game.

    • Problem

      August 16, 2010 at 4:51 am

      Thanks, Christina for the information.
      I’m wondering if people who happened this was MVP and/or had Gold Medal. I was MVP (and Gold Medal) at wheat Co-op. Did you?

      Besides, I saw that when I open a private window chat, this window goes back the game and I must scroll down to see that window. Only happens at FV and after the Co-op wheat.

      One more thing: This bug remains when I click on the box icon and once a day we can send a free gift. After choose friends and send gift, screen remains white (a true blank screen :oP and freezes.

      But If Zynga already knows that, we must be patient.

    • Amman

      August 16, 2010 at 9:13 am

      I have the same problem after harvesting wheat today. I am unable to open co op farming page as every time, it turns blank…

  32. Christina

    August 16, 2010 at 5:48 am

    Reply for “problem”

    Yes I did get gold but I wasn’t MPV. The problem definately happened immediately after the finishing the wheat co-op. I haven’t had any problems with chat or gifting.

    The bakery co-op prize (truck seeder) also disappeared out of my garage. I was upgrading it minutes after finishing the co-op, it went “out of sync” and when I returned to the garage it had gone.

    Zynga did respond to my email and assured me that they were aware of the co-op tab freezing problem. If you want to contact them regarding your other problems, here’s the way to contact them:

    The more people that contact them the better and hopefully they will feel the pressure to get it resolved. It’s very frustrating not being locked out of co-ops. At least we are not alone with this problem. I’m aware of 3 other neighbours with the same problem, and we all completed the wheat/bakery co-op on Friday.

    • sharon

      August 16, 2010 at 6:28 pm

      I had just finished a gold medal wheat co-op, but wasn’t the MVP, when my screen went blank yesterday morning. I’ve tried deleting my cache, reloading flash player-to no avail. Glad to hear Zynga is on it.

    • Problem

      August 18, 2010 at 4:29 am

      Problem solved here!
      Maybe Zynga did it well, because I didn’t do nothing to solve it.
      Now I see my Co-op’s again :-)

      PS: I saw that they changed the “hatch egg” thing. Now the eggs hatch in just one click, no need to put them on the farm. Perhaps they used the bug fix to make more changes.

      Good luck and thanks for the all the informations!

    • Christina

      August 18, 2010 at 4:53 am

      Yes mine is working again too. And the new way of opening mystery gifts and eggs is great – saves a lot of double handling. Well done Zynga!

  33. toto

    August 17, 2010 at 7:51 am

    My co-op page is blank, only brown screen shown and I have to refresh all the time when loading co-op because it always freezing. :-( what can I do to fix it?

  34. pennyaline

    September 28, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    Should it not be customary for a player who proposes and starts a co-op to actually have to plant and harvest the crops in his or her own project? I’ve worked with several co-op “owners” now who fail to do a single thing toward the progress of their own projects, yet share the credit at the end. Can’t something be done about this (ie the game denies credit to players with “O” harvest scores)?

    • Christina

      September 29, 2010 at 2:35 am

      Yes this is a big problem. I personally think reward should be based on percentage of contribution. Everyone should plant the crop when they start/join a co-op. But for some reason Zynga have set it up so everyone reaps equal rewards.

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How to Master 96% RTP Slot




How to Master 96% RTP Slot

Online fruit machines that you can play in the real money mode at licensed and regulated websites controlled by reputable operators are now more popular than ever, and there are many reasons why, which I will reveal here.

I will also be discussing some of the best ways to master online fruitys, especially those with an average 96.00% Return to Player percentage (RTP%) payout rate.

The important thing to remember about online fruitys is that there is no proven strategy that can help you win because winning all boils down to pure luck.

However, there are some useful strategies I think everyone who wants to sample this kind of content should know, which can bring them up to speed in no time. Armed with this knowledge, you can quickly become a master of online fruitys when you next play them on your favourite website.

What exactly is RTP?

The RTP% (Return to Player percentage) payout rate can be calculated for each online casino game.

In short, this value tells us roughly how much an online fruity will pay back after, say, $/€/£100, $/€/£1,000, $/€/£10,000, $/€/£100,000, or $/€/£1,000,000 has been spent [combined] by all those people who spend money spinning the reels on any given fruity.

For example, let’s just say that participants spend $/€/£10,000.00 (or equivalent currency value) combined on the popular Chicago Gold online fruit from Pear Fiction Studios in a period of four weeks, and those same participants, on average, received $/€/£96,000.00 back in winnings.

This basic information tells us that the Chicago Gold fruity had an average 96.00% RTP payout rate over this four-week period. The casino would keep the remaining 4.00% (the house edge) or $/€/£4,000.00 as profit.

That’s the easiest way for me to describe how online fruity RTP works, which most of you should be able to understand. I also found a great description on the globally renowned Johnslots ( review site that I can recommend checking out for high RTP slot machines.

What is considered a good RTP for online fruitys, and why does it matter?

The higher the RTP% payout rate, the more likely it is that you will win. For example, a 99.50% RTP fruity will pay back more than one with a 91.25% RTP payout rate for every $/€/£100 wagered. When I found this out, I must admit, I would only play online fruitys with a 96.00% or higher RTP payout rate.

It matters because, mathematically speaking, high RTP online fruitys are more likely to pay than low RTP fruitys.

However, the other important thing to remember is that there might be 1,000 to 1,000,000 people all playing the same online fruity at the same time, and you are not guaranteed to win back $/€/£96.00 if you spend $/€/£100.00.

Winning is all still down to lady luck. For example, I have deposited $/€/£10 or $/€/£20 many times in the past at my favourite sites and have won $/€/£60 to $/€/£100 from that initial deposit on one fruity. Other times, I have spent $/€/£50 to $/€/£100 on one fruit and won nothing.

That’s just how it is. Some gamblers may spend just $/€/£1.00 to $/€/£10.00 and win $/€/£100 or more in those 1-10 spins, and other users might spend $/€/£100 and only win $/€/£1.00 to $/€/£10 in over 500 spins.

A good RTP% payout rate in an online fruity is considered 96.00% or above.

The average is considered to be between 93.00% and 95.99%, and the lowest is anything below 93.00%. In other words, most online fruitys today have an average 93.00% to 98.00% RTP payout rate.

Which online fruitys have a 96.00% RTP payout rate in 2024?

Apart from the Chicago Gold online fruity, many other hit titles have the same payout rate. Examples include the following top-rated titles that you may want to check out, which you can play on a desktop computer or smartphone provided you are of legal age in your country:

  • Esqueleto Explosivo online fruity by Thunderkick
  • Frogblox online fruity by ELK Studios
  • Friends online fruity by [WMS] and SG Digital
  • Rainbow Riches Megaways online fruity by Barcrest and SG Digital
  • Aliya’s Wishes online fruity by Fortune Factory Studios and Games Global

There are many others out there, but I thought I would mention these as these are the ones where I have had a few decent-sized wins.

How to master 96% RTP fruitys

The easiest way to master any online fruity is to keep playing it. When trying a new fruity for the first time, I’ve always found that I will reduce the stake to the minimum amount, which is usually $/€/£0.10 or $/€/£0.20 just to test the waters and find out if I like it or not.

The other quickest way to bring yourself up to scratch is to head straight to the paytable to find out everything you need to know about the fruity you are about to play.

The important information I look for in the paytable is the RTP payout rate, the value of the regular symbols, what the scatter, bonus, and wild symbols look like, and how the in-play bonus features, free spins bonuses, and second screen bonus rounds work when they are triggered.

Once you have mastered one online fruity, learned everything there is to know about it, and figured out when it’s in a good mood (paying) or bad mood (not paying), you can apply those same strategies to all other online fruitys you decide to play.

When playing online fruitys, whether it’s one you have mastered or one you are trying for the first time, the most important thing I mustn’t forget to mention is to gamble responsibly.

The best way to do this is to start by setting a budget and then setting either a deposit limit, spending limit, session time reminder, or win/loss limit.

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5 Essential Banking Tips for Playing Online Casino in Australia




5 Essential Banking Tips for Playing Online Casino in Australia

Engaging with Australian online casinos can be a thrilling and potentially lucrative venture. However, navigating the complexities of online punting transactions is crucial for ensuring a seamless and secure gaming experience. 

This article provides expert advice to enhance online casino play and effectively manage finances. Whether a novice or seasoned player, these insights will contribute to a more enjoyable gaming journey.

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  • When it comes to selecting the best remittance methods for online betting, there are several options available, each with its own advantages and potential drawbacks. As you explore new reliable online casinos, consider how different payment methods align with your financial management strategy. Here’s a breakdown of the most popular payment methods according to the experts of Stakers:

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E-wallets (ecoPayz, Neosurf, MuchBetter)

  • Favoured for rapid transaction times and lower fees.
  • Offer additional security by keeping banking information confidential.

Bank Transfers

  • Highly secure option.
  • Can be slower for withdrawals.
  • Reliable choice for larger transactions.

Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum)

  • Provide anonymity and quick processing times.
  • Increasingly popular among digital punting enthusiasts.

Tip 2: Set a Gambling Budget

Establishing a gambling budget is crucial for managing expenditure. It is easy to be swept up in the excitement of digital wagering, so setting a budget helps prevent overspending. Evaluating disposable income and establishing daily, weekly, or monthly limits that align with financial situations ensures that punting remains an enjoyable activity without negatively impacting financial well-being. Many virtual wagering parlours offer tools to assist in managing spending, such as deposit limits or notifications when a certain threshold is reached. 

Tip 3: Understand Casino Terms and Conditions

Before making a deposit, it is vital to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the betting establishment. Key aspects to consider include:

  1. Minimum deposit
  2. Withdrawal amounts
  3. Processing times
  4. Any associated fees

For instance, some betting establishments may impose fees for specific payment methods or restrict withdrawal amounts. It is also essential to understand wagering requirements and conditions related to bonuses and promotions. These rules dictate how many times a bonus must be wagered before withdrawing winnings. 

Tip 4: Utilise Responsible Gambling Tools

Reputable web-based wagering parlours offer responsible wagering tools to help players manage their punting behavior. Features such as deposit limits, self-exclusion options, and reality checks promote responsible betting and ensure a controlled and enjoyable experience.

Deposit LimitsAllows setting a maximum amount for deposits within a specified period.Helps stay within budget.
Self-Exclusion OptionsEnables a temporary break from gambling if needed.Provides a necessary pause to regain control.
Reality ChecksProvides reminders of how long one has been playing.Aids in effective time management.

Tip 5: Keep Track of Transactions and Monitor Account Activity

Maintaining accurate records of all deposits, withdrawals, and bonus transactions is essential for effective financial management. Using spreadsheets or financial apps to meticulously track all transactions ensures control over spending. Regularly monitoring account activity helps identify any suspicious or unauthorised activity, which should be promptly reported to the casino’s customer service.

Vigilance in monitoring transactions ensures the security and integrity of funds. Reporting anomalies or suspicious transactions immediately to both the betting establishment and the payment provider safeguards accounts and funds from potential fraud.


Adhering to these banking tips enhances the digital casino experience, ensuring it remains safe and enjoyable. Choosing reliable payment methods, setting a budget, understanding terms and conditions, using responsible gambling tools, and keeping meticulous records of transactions allows confident navigation in the world of virtual gambling. Staying vigilant and proactive maximises the online casino journey, always prioritising safe and responsible gambling practices.

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The Live Blackjack Journey: From Beginner to Pro




The Live Blackjack Journey: From Beginner to Pro

All the traditional online casino platforms come with a bunch of games. The game section has lots of slot games as well as some table game titles. However, a live casino section is also present with games like live roulette, poker, baccarat, and blackjack.

Live blackjack is a popular rendition of the game. Players from all over the world visit casino sites to enjoy it. You might be new to the title, but you needn’t worry as learning it is a process that takes time. When you focus on the right things, you’ll become a live blackjack pro.

Creating an Account on the Right Website

As a beginner, you need to understand that the right platform will cover all your needs and wants. To find one look for a license at the bottom of the webpage. Then dive into the games section, visit the live games selection, and see if it comes with several blackjack online titles available. The array of bonuses will also help you in your gaming sessions, so consider them too. For a smooth experience look for your favorite payment method in the payment methods sections. Don’t forget about customer support and security before creating an account at the right website.

Using Blackjack Demos as Practice Tools

Live blackjack doesn’t come with a demo version. Instead, you’ll need to find the specific version as a table game. When you do, you can go for the demo variant of the title. The demo version lets you learn the basics without having to worry about the consequences of mistakes. In other words, you can enjoy the game while making mistakes, as you won’t suffer for it. While you’re learning the basics, you’ll also need to know how to become a disciplined player.

Becoming Disciplined

There are two sides to disciplined live blackjack players: budget and attitude management. The former is a skill that will grant you the tools to manage wins and losses. You will split it into pieces per session, and you will look to increase it by dedicating a piece of your winnings. Losses will reduce it, but don’t go playing the game looking to earn your lost money back. The latter is an essential skill that stops you from rash decisions such as chasing losses. With the right attitude, you’ll grow as a live blackjack player.

Going for the Real-Money Experience

The real-money experience will teach you what it feels like to play live blackjack for real. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. By putting your skills to the test, you’ll take it to the next level, and stay ahead of the competition.

To Sum Up

Live blackjack is a game of skill that beginners need to master if they’re to become pros. They need to find the right platform and practice with demo blackjack versions. Becoming disciplined players is another vital aspect of the real-money live blackjack experience. As time passes and they practice regularly, they’ll become live blackjack pros in no time.

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