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Superfighters – a Unique Fighting Game Featuring 8-bit Graphics (Review)



NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) is the first generation of gaming machines. And there are also many gamers who have a lot of memories with them. From adventure games, puzzle games to fighting games. In the 80’s, the NES games have grown very strong. However, with the emergence of devices such as Playstation, Xbox, PC and mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones … the NES’ empire gradually fades.

But the emotions when I play NES games are always in my heart, as it engraved on my mind. The most prominent feature of these games is the very simple 8-bit graphics, and the sound system is only available in 8-bit games. And today I’m honored to introduce you to “Superfighters“, a graphically styled game taken from 8-bit games.

How does it play?

First I will show you how to play the game. Because this is an RPG game, you will control a character with a white shirt with a big arm. Your character is both capable of fighting and shooting. Your main task in the game is to defeat all the opponents in the stage to become the only survivor.

The game offers 3 modes for you to choose from. VS mode is a mode where you have to fight multiple enemies at once (max 7 enemies), Stage mode is a mode where you can do missions in the game and complete the challenge to unlock new skins for your the character. And the last mode is Survival, a very interesting mode as you will be fighting multiple waves of enemies in a fixed time and you have to destroy them as quickly as possible.


The first plus point is the graphics of the game. With the use of 8-bit graphics, the game brought a sense of familiarity with the 8x generation. I am also a person who has a childhood playing games on NES devices. So when playing the game, many kinds of emotions rush in and the most obvious feeling is happiness, like when children are given a delicious sweet candy.

My second favorite point in this game is its usability.A game with graphics and sounds of an 8-bit game, and you can play it on web flash, it’s really handy and anyone can play this game.All you need is a PC that can online. Also with the freedom to adjust graphics settings as well as control keys, the game supports maximum players so they can play the game comfortably.

Third, that is how the game guides the players to experience the game. The instructions are simple but full of information, you can see this most clearly through the game’s Tutorial feature. Game play is also very attractive, and you will have a map that is large enough for you to be able to perform many of your own skills such as shooting from a distance, taking advantage of the items on the map to dodge enemies. Or when you are near your opponent, you can use your fighting skills to knock him down.

Last thing, my favorite point in this game is “The Perfect”. It does not have bugs, errors occur during the game you play.That allows you to experience the game through the way and comfort. This is really important because when playing games, everyone wants to have fun feelings, no one wants to be annoyed because the “bug” suddenly appear.


Maybe you will like the game has 3D graphics or the game has a beautiful open world. However, for some people (including myself) 8-bit games are always a monument in their heart. And Superfighters is one of the web games that make the players feel the clearest, closest as they are actually playing an 8-bit game on the NES devices.

The little fun will come to you in the Superfighters when you shoot the opponent at close range,when you see the character’s movement in a full 8-bit screen, when you hear the sound of it… and that’s how Superfighters appealed to me.


12 Inspiring Ways to Fuel Your Dissertation Writing Motivation




12 Inspiring Ways to Fuel Your Dissertation Writing Motivation

The writing process is inherently complicated. But once you take ownership of your writing, things begin to change. What does that mean to take “ownership” of your writing? It means your writings belong to better or for worse, to you and you alone. If you screw up your courage to write, your ownership of that writing must be respected by your audience-of one or a thousand. Being overly stimulated can also be harmful, as some scholars push to write their academic papers more than their set goals. That is why you need to have dissertation writing motivation so that you can find yourself able to meet your goal the next day.

In this article, we are going to explain some inspiring ways to fuel your dissertation writing motivation. Continue reading the Article if you need motivation for your thesis or dissertation writing journey.

In this article, we are going to explain some inspiring ways to fuel your dissertation writing motivation. Continue reading the Article if you need motivation for your thesis or dissertation writing journey.

Staying motivated while writing your dissertation is as important as having your dinner because you need food to live and motivation to complete your dissertation. Keeping up with the motivation to write a dissertation becomes harder when you see everyone on a break. Losing motivation can cost you low grades. So, we have provided some top tips to keep your motivation going.

1. Free-writing and Making a Mess

You might think how making a mess can help you get your dissertation writing done. Freewriting is one of those activities in which two and two sometimes add up to five. Freewriting can support you develop an addiction to writing. And don’t worry, almost everyone starts out writing crap.

Start with the small task, learning to write 10 minutes daily. Just start writing no matter what you write. Once you start following freewriting, your thoughts will start to get clearer and cleaner. Once your thoughts get clearer and you seem familiar with your topic, you start out writing good stuff, and then gradually, writing a dissertation becomes easier.

2. Using Behavioural Principles

Using behavioural principles for motivation for your dissertation writing, keep in mind the positive and negative reinforcement. It’s possible to train your mind by punishing yourself for doing something wrong, but it’s inhuman.

So, think of positive reinforcement, like rewarding yourself for each accomplishment. Like using the “Grandma’s mashed potatoes law”: “No dessert until you’ve eaten

your mashed potatoes.” Translated into a writing strategy, say you will get something as a reward for writing 2 or 5 pages that you don’t want to live without. For example, if you don’t feel the day is complete without reading the newspaper or talking to a friend, don’t allow yourself to do so unless you have completed your writing goal for that day.

3. Recognise External vs. Internal Motivation

When you start your degree or write your dissertation, motivators like a degree, a good job, and praise might drive you. However, over the period, one needs to develop internal motivators, like personal interest, passion for the topic, or will to bring a change to the field.

To get long-term motivation, it is necessary to develop an interest in the field. Once your work or profession becomes your passion, you no longer need external motivators.

4. Set Your Daily Writing Goal

It’s important to set daily goals for your dissertation writing motivation. There are three methods for setting goals, but before that, you need to commit to setting realistic goals and dividing them into small chunks.

  1. The first method is the “Sit There Method.” In this method, you sit down to write your dissertation forcertain hours, maybe three hours, a day.
  2. The second method is the “Motivation Method” In this method, you plan on writing each day until you come up with one or two decent ideas.
  3. The third method is the “Many Pages Method”. In this method, you have to pick a fair number of pages and keep the count the same every day.

In our opinion, the “Many Pages Method” performs the best. This method produces a large volume of writing, at least some of which is likely to be useful.

5. Don’t Overwhelm Yourself

Getting stuck and getting out of mind while writing a dissertation is normal. Don’t overwhelm or frustrate yourself on that. If you feel you are going in a circle and not moving forward to some achievement towards completion of the final draft of your dissertation. Just continue writing anything other than your papers. Try limiting your writing time. Say to yourself, “You’re only allowed to write for half an hour.”

Also, try consulting some mentor or advisor to discuss the overall situation of your writing process. If you find no way out, reaching out to a professional dissertation writer is still an option.

6. Funky Exercises for Times When You’re Stuck

If you were always inspired to be a poet, it’s your chance. Write in other forms of writing. Take some time to re-evaluate your writing goals. Many people get stuck in their dissertations because they set unrealistic goals for their writing process.

out of reach goals may kill your motivation. You need to decide practically, not ideally, what a doable writing goal is for you and then start working. Revisit the notes made in the research process and evaluate if you’ve missed any important points. Instead, trying to ask yourself questions or writing about why you feel you’re stuck is a good exercise to do.

7. Keep Encouraging Yourself

Keep repeating encouraging and motivational phrases to yourself. Like “I am capable of completing this dissertation, challenges are opportunities for me to grow and improve.”

Remind yourself of why you started. What did you want to accomplish on the task when you started? Remind yourself that completing this dissertation will open new doors for you.

Saying these affirmations regularly will give you more energy and keep you on track with your dissertation writing motivation.

8. Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is delaying the work at hand without any reason. In writing a dissertation, procrastination is when you delay writing even though you want to finish it. You face it when you have to make a lot of decisions. Decisions drain your energy and make you feel procrastinated.

That is why you need to pre plan your dissertation writing process. Pre-decide things like which information to add and which to avoid. Don’t think before you start writing about how many pages to write today or if you should write or visit some friend for an outing.

9. Develop a Writing Addiction

Addictions get pretty bad press. But there are bad and good ones. Writing can be one of the good habits to have, or we say, fortunate habits to have. Having an addiction and developing an addiction are two separate things.

To develop a writing addiction, you need to start writing in the first place. A good option is to start writing your dissertation with a freewriting style. Once you find joy and fulfilment in the writing process and a sense of accomplishment from your crafts, you will build a habit of writing.

Habits slowly and gradually become addictions as you get addicted to pouring your heart out and getting praise from your crafts.

10. Overcome Interruptions from Inside and Outside

The interruptions from inside can be your mental conditions, like having anxiety or depression due to some personal or family issues. And factors like unexpected illness or death of some loved ones or a cold that clogs your nose and throat.

You need to overcome these interruptions to focus on writing your dissertation. Everybody can thrash these obstacles to focus on the work. If they had not, they might not have come thus far.

11. Don’t Isolate Yourself

Isolating yourself while writing your dissertation can drain all the motivation you had when you started working. We have seen scholars suffering from isolation while writing their dissertations.

You should try to abstain from writing for longer periods, distract yourself through family time and make plans for healthy activities. You can join some feedback groups; observing the dissertation and engaging with the group will help you think critically about the text, and you will get rid of solitude as well.

12. Join a Summer Dissertation Camp

Joining a summer dissertation camp or fellowship will keep you motivated and active. You can also find time to analyse your dissertation critically and make changes in the writing process.

Plus, you will not get stuck at any stage. If you get stuck, you will have the fellows or someone to advise you on the process, someone who can point out what you’re doing wrong. Joining a summer dissertation camp will save you from isolation as well.


Dissertation writing motivation may disappear more often, and you might think to quit. But quitting is not the solution. In this article, we have tried to inspire and motivate you in different ways. We have discussed how overcoming procrastination and setting your daily goals can help you stay motivated.

We have heard the stories of people who are in their third, fourth, or even seventh year, yeah, you heard it right, seventh year, and some people isolate themselves in the struggle to be focused. That’s not a good thing to do either. Those scholars who don’t find the motivation to write their dissertation or are not into writing can buy dissertation online. Hand over your worries to some trustworthy expert who can write original content for your dissertation and complete it quickly.

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Browser Games

The Best of Both Worlds: Relaxation Meets Excitement in Online Gaming




The Best of Both Worlds: Relaxation Meets Excitement in Online Gaming

Imagine coming home after a long day, sinking into your comfiest chair, and just letting the world fade away as you dive into a game online. It’s like you’ve got a personal amusement park at your fingertips, one that helps you chill out but can also send you on a thrilling ride with a click or a tap. That’s the sweet spot of online gaming—it wraps you up in a cozy blanket of fun that can also get your heart racing.

The cool part about playing online games isn’t just that they’re a blast; it’s how they help us unwind too. With the right game, you can kick back and experience that awesome feeling when you’re right in the zone – the worries of the day slip away, and it’s just you and the game. And yet, there’s this undercurrent of excitement because at any moment, something in the game could change, and bam – you’re on the edge of your seat!

Sorting the Dazzling from the Duds: How Casino Reviews Help

But with so many games out there, how do you know which ones bring that perfect mix of Zen and zest? Cue the heroes of the online gaming world: top casino reviews. Top casino reviews are the trusty guides that help you navigate through the endless sea of games, showing you where the treasure is—and where you might hit some rough waters.

Reading a solid casino review is like getting a tip-off from a friend who knows all the best spots in town–they help you find the games that are worth your time, the ones with the smoothest gameplay, the coolest graphics, and the best chances to win. They’ll point you in the direction of games that are relaxing to play but also pack just the right amount of punch to keep things lively.

A Little Light Reading for Big-Time Fun

Tapping into these reviews before you play can save you a bunch of time. The experts  writing these reviews have spent hours checking out all the features of a game, figuring out all the details. They do the legwork, so you don’t have to–and let’s be honest, who doesn’t like getting the inside scoop?

Jumping into a game with a good review backing it up gives you that snug feeling of knowing you’ve made a smart pick. And with a reviewer’s expert advice in your corner, you can settle in and start playing with confidence. It’s about getting to the good stuff, the games that satisfy and surprise, without the trial and error of finding them yourself.

Comfort Gaming: Choosing the Right Fit for You

Just like finding the right pair of sneakers, it’s about finding the games that fit you just right. Some folks might be into the snazzy, fast-paced slots that get your pulse jumping. Others might prefer a laid-back round of poker that lets you take your time and soak up the game. Reading up on reviews helps you find your gaming ‘just right’—the games that feel tailor-made for your style of winding down.

It’s about figuring out what games hit that sweet spot where you feel comfy and excited all at once. Maybe it’s the game’s visuals, maybe it’s the soundtrack, or perhaps it’s just the way the game feels. Whatever it is, when a game is just right for you, it turns your downtime into the kind of high-quality leisure time we all deserve.

Your Gaming, Your Way: Reviews Lead the Way to Personalized Play

In the end, what makes a game great for kicking back and having fun is how it fits with your vibe. And that’s precisely where those top-notch casino reviews come in. They take what could be an overwhelming choice and whittle it down to a handpicked selection, just for you. Thanks to the reviewers’ expertise and attention to detail, it’s like having a personal guide to the gaming galaxy, leading you straight to the stars that shine the brightest for you.

So, before you fire up the laptop or tap open an app, take a moment to explore what the casino critics have to say. They help light up the path to the games that offer the best of relaxation and exhilaration, ensuring your playtime is time well spent. With the right game, your online adventures can be the pause-and-reset button we all sometimes need, spiced up with just the right amount of thrills to keep things interesting.

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Cost Optimization Strategies in Google Cloud




Cost Optimization Strategies in Google Cloud

In the dynamic and competitive world of cloud computing, effective cost management is crucial for businesses leveraging the power of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). While GCP offers scalability, flexibility, and powerful features, navigating its cost structures can be complex. Understanding and applying targeted cost optimization strategies is key to harnessing the cloud’s full potential without incurring unnecessary expenses.

Google Cloud Premier Partner

Engaging with a Google Cloud Premier Partner can provide valuable insights for businesses looking to optimize their cloud costs. As a consultancy and advisory service, they focus on guiding companies in their strategic planning for cloud utilization, offering expertise in cost optimization without directly implementing cloud technology solutions. Their role is instrumental in helping businesses understand and navigate the complexities of Google Cloud cost management.

Identifying Cost Drivers

A fundamental aspect of cost optimization is identifying the main cost drivers in your Google Cloud setup. This includes evaluating resource usage patterns, pinpointing underutilized resources, and recognizing instances where resources may be unnecessarily deployed. Businesses can pinpoint areas where costs can be trimmed without impacting performance by conducting a comprehensive audit of these factors.

Right-Sizing Resources

Right-sizing is crucial to ensure you use the most cost-effective resources for your workload needs. This means adjusting the size and type of your Google Cloud resources – like Compute Engine instances – to match your actual usage requirements. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these resources can lead to significant cost reductions.

Commitment-Based Discounts

Google Cloud offers various pricing models, including sustained use and committed use discounts, which can benefit long-term cost savings. Businesses can take advantage of these models by understanding and forecasting their resource needs. Committed use discounts, for example, offer lower prices for a specified usage level over a set period.

Storage Optimization

Proper data storage management is a key area for cost savings in Google Cloud. It involves selecting the right storage classes and managing the data lifecycle effectively. Businesses can use different storage classes for data based on access frequency and retention requirements, significantly reducing storage costs.

Network Optimization

Optimizing network usage in Google Cloud is a critical step toward cost savings. Strategies include leveraging Google Cloud CDN for efficient content delivery and reducing latency and bandwidth costs. Additionally, strategically selecting network regions can significantly impact data transfer costs. Placing resources in regions closer to the end-users can minimize latency and reduce the cost associated with data movement across regions.

Furthermore, implementing custom network topologies can optimize traffic flow and reduce costs. For instance, using Google’s Premium Tier network for high-priority traffic and Standard Tier for less critical traffic can balance performance needs and cost efficiency. Adopting performance routing and load balancing also ensures traffic is managed efficiently, reducing unnecessary load and associated costs.

Monitoring and Reporting

Effective cost management in Google Cloud relies heavily on continuous monitoring and regular reporting. Utilizing tools like Cloud Billing Reports and Cost Management, businesses can gain comprehensive insights into their cloud spending. These tools provide detailed breakdowns of expenditures, allowing for precise resource usage tracking and cost trend identification.

In addition to these tools, setting up custom alerts for budget thresholds ensures that spending does not exceed planned limits. This proactive approach enables businesses to adjust their usage and strategies, preventing budget overruns quickly. Moreover, integrating cost management tools with existing business analytics systems can provide a holistic view of cloud spending in the context of overall business performance.

Regularly scheduled reviews and audits of cloud expenditures are also vital. These reviews should assess current spending and forecast future usage patterns and needs. By doing so, businesses can make informed decisions about scaling resources up or down, choosing the right pricing models, and identifying areas where cost efficiency can be improved.


Optimizing costs in Google Cloud is an ongoing process that requires continuous assessment and adaptation. With the expert advice from a Google Cloud Premier Partner businesses can develop a more efficient and cost-effective cloud strategy. Remember that each organization’s needs are unique, and strategies should be tailored accordingly. By staying informed and responsive to the dynamic nature of cloud computing, businesses can ensure they are getting the most value from their investment in Google Cloud.

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