
Old Hotel Walkthrough

Old Hotel Walkthrough

escape-old-hotelbigGot stuck while playing the Old Hotel escape the room game? I have an Old Hotel Walkthrough to help you finish the game: a step by step guide on what to do in order to get both endings of this fun title. So simply read on to find the solution for the game in my Old Hotel Walkthrough.

Full Old Hotel guide for Italian ending:

1. Click at the base of the brown pipe and click to its right to see behind. Pick up the purple thing.
2. Go back and click to the left of the couch. Click the item there, and click on it again to disensemble it.
3. Go back and left. Click at the top of the radiator. Use the purple object to push the key.
4. Go back and click to the left of the radiator. Get the key.
5. Go left and get the screwdriver.
6. Click on the bell-thing you got near the couch, then click on “About item”. Use screwdriver with it and get the note.
7. Go left twice and use the key with safe. Click it again and get thing that’s in.
8. Click on the box above the couch and enter the following colors: green, white, red (the colors of the Italian flag). Click on the red button, then click the box again and pick up the weapon.
9. Go back twice and use the weapon with the fan on the ceiling.
10. Go left twice and pick up the fan.
11. Click on the motor (the thing you got from the safe) and click it’s base to rotate it in the “About item” menu. Use the purple object with it, then use the bicycle thing (or whatever that bar is) and the fan.
12. Go right and use that custom item with the window.

Full Old Hotel guide for French ending:

The steps are the same, except for step 8, where you should enter the following colors: blue, white, red (French flag).
Then, after you set up a custom item as in step 11 (with the other object you got after the flag-box), go to the door and use the item with it until you get out.

This was my Old Hotel Walkthrough for both endings. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to use the comment form below.