
How to Get the FarmVille Country Kitsch Collection

How to Get the FarmVille Country Kitsch Collection

Farmville Collections and Collectables have been introduced in FarmVille on January 15, 2010 (click the link for all the details!) and now we’re going to find out all the details about the FarmVille Country Kitsch Collection: take a closer look at the collectibles in the collection, as well as find out how to get them!

In order to access the Country Kitsch Collection to check out your items, you have to click the blue ribbon icon and select “Collections”.

How to get all the items in this collection? Simply plow your land, harvest crops and fertilize neighbor crops. The collectibles are randomly given to the gamers and eventually we’ll all get some:

– Needlepoint for sending gifts
– Spigot, Pocketwatch, Salt Shaker and Thimble for plowing our land
– Cow Bell for harvesting cows (or dairy farms)

Here is a better view of all the Country Kitsch Collection items (click the image to enlarge it for a better and bigger view):
Did you manage to find all the items in this collection?


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If you harvest only pink and green cows (and one bull) from the dairy farm, will you still be able to get a cowbell eventually?

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how do you get the needlepoint frame thing now that its not available as a gift anymore?

    comments user

    only certain friends of yours will have needlepoint as a free gift to send as i don’t have it i have gloves.

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but my friend does which is were i got it from

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this cow bell has just pissed me…. plzz help and tell how to get this cowbell… i have 5 dairy farms and 20 cows outside them…

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um how do u get the supper rar magicul rainbow thingy??? apperentely ur supposed 2 b on lvl 90 ????? help plz