
Guide to the Airport Vacation Terminal in CityVille

Guide to the Airport Vacation Terminal in CityVille

There is a brand new terminal to complete in CityVille to tune up your Airport, and this new terminal is the Vacation Terminal. I am here, like always, to share with you all the detail about this new buildable in the game, one that will certainly bring happiness to the virtual inhabitants of your city.

First of all, as you can imagine, you will have to do some item collecting in order to complete the Vacation Terminal in CityVille, and you will need the following items from your friends:

– 12 Customs Desks
– 12 Self Check-Ins
– 12 Airport Scanners
– 12 Security Dogs
– 12 Itineraries

The new Vacation Terminal in CityVille also comes with a new set of planes to buy. The Dreamline Vacations or Econair Passanger, for example, are available for 100,000 coins each. Check out the list of available planes below:

Of course, the new vacation terminal also comes with a bunch of new vacation destinations to send your planes to, and you can get a glimpse of the process in the image below:

I don’t know how you feel about the release of the Vacation Terminal in CityVille, but it certainly made me want to go on a vacation right now!