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FarmVille Gives You a Christmas Tree, Friends Fill It with Gifts



farmville-christmas-tree-announcementChristmas has arrived to the virtual worlds of FarmVille and there are tons of new Christmas-related content items added to the game. Amongst them, the most obvious is the Christmas Tree – the special present you will receive for free from Zynga as soon as you log in to FarmVille (as you can see the invite/notice in the image to the left). But the Christmas tree is not a regular item, it can be used to store some goodies!

So… how does the FarmVille Christmas tree work?

First, you will have to take the tree from the gift box and place it anywhere on your farm. You will notice that it looks like a very small tree. Don’t worry, though, it will get bigger and a lot nicer is you have more neighbors to send you gifts!

Because, yes, you can store up to 60 gifts under your Christmas Tree and it will grow a level every 20 Christmas Presents you receive (so there are 4 total stages to see your tree go through!)

In order to put a present under your FarmVille Christmas Tree, you only have to accept the present on your wall, then go to your gift box and select “Use”. The present will be automatically placed under the tree.

Please note that you can’t open any present until 24th of December (and you have time to open them until the end of the first week of January), but you can decorate your farm with all the new Christmas-related items. Oh, only if there was snow too in the game!

UPDATE: If you somehow lost your Christmas Tree, DO NOT WORRY, Zynga has confirmed to one of our readers (Mrs. Lee) that they are working on a fix and soon there will be a solution for this problem. You can read Zynga’s full response in the message number 47! Thanks a lot to all of you who have been here with me, trying to find the solution for the missing tree and help every gamer enjoy their Holidays!

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  1. Totakk920

    December 5, 2009 at 12:17 am

    There is a glitch where you can get more than one tree! When you place the tree you can quickly go back to gifts and place another and possibly a third! They are very neat so try it out! only one chance though!!

  2. ap

    December 5, 2009 at 4:45 am

    accidentally sold my tree before i knew about the gifts. how can i get a new one?

  3. Suzy

    December 5, 2009 at 4:59 am

    Me, too! I didn’t know what to do with it! Hope someone can help us! What can we do with the dozens of gifts without a tree?? Help! : )

  4. Cathy

    December 5, 2009 at 5:23 am

    Me too. What can I do to get another tree?

  5. Suzy

    December 5, 2009 at 5:25 am

    LOL … are we a bunch of idiots?? : ) My friend told me ‘WHY would you want to get rid of a FREE GIFT you were given?’ Well… uh … i thought i could use the money… Duh… LOL

  6. Chuck

    December 5, 2009 at 6:52 am

    I click on my Christmas tree and it just disapears , no tree in gift box ,, it reappears , click on it , its gone ,,I’ve gone stright to gift box when it appears in upper left hand corner , NO TREE ,,,I’ve tried different things but , it only appears in the corner and then if I click on it , its gone again .. So whats the problem , why can;t I get my tree ?

  7. Suzy

    December 5, 2009 at 7:04 am

    Chuck, the tree is appearing because it’s reminding you that it needs to be planted. it just ‘represents’ your tree, it isn’t YOUR TREE. It doesn’t know that your tree has gone missing. It’s an icon, like the cash icon. Mine does that, too, but I KNOW why mine does it; because I SOLD my tree when i found it in my gift box, not knowing what it was for. You seem to be in the same boat many of us are; somehow, you lost (or maybe sold) yours, or didn’t ‘pick it up’ in time… we are ALL trying to find out how to get a second chance…..

  8. vivien

    December 5, 2009 at 9:59 am

    Same with me, my tree disappeared.. reading all these comments is it possible 2 get another tree?

  9. Suzy

    December 5, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    This discussion seems to be attracting a lot of us who have the QUESTION, and no one who has the ANSWER! So far, anyway! I hope we all agree that if one of us ever finds the answer, we’ll come back here to share it. : )

  10. Suzy

    December 5, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    LOL, Sheryl, maybe that applies to all of us! Hadn’t thought of that! : )

  11. Amber

    December 5, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    This is so fail. I accidentally sold my tree and I am combing the Internet for a way to get another one, since you can’t buy one or be gifted one…UGH! My lack of a Farmville Christmas Tree is making me sad…I’m going to keep looking!

  12. Brian

    December 6, 2009 at 12:47 am

    Can’t retreive my tree either if there is a solution please let me know

  13. vivien

    December 6, 2009 at 1:13 am

    i hope someone can find the answer to the missing tree :(.. coz i want a holiday tree.

  14. vivien

    December 6, 2009 at 1:14 am

    coz im pretty sure tha everyone wants presents and a christmas tree

  15. Alexis

    December 6, 2009 at 4:02 am

    Well actually I lost my christmas tree by accidentally seeling it so what I did was got my friends to send me gifts and when i clicked in my inbox to get my gifts my tree reappeared strange hunh?

  16. vivien

    December 6, 2009 at 4:07 am

    awww lucky u.. i tried tha like heaps of times and it still didnt work.. u must be a lucky person

  17. Suzy

    December 6, 2009 at 4:10 am

    I agree, you are lucky, Alexis! I have TONS of gifts, but my tree has never reappeard! If you have a secret, tell us, TELL US! : )

  18. Shannon

    December 7, 2009 at 4:13 am

    when i click on my christmas tree it says that i need to plant it and then i go to my gift box and nothing’s there except all the gifts that were sent to me. and i didn’t even sell it.. -.- HELP PLEASE.

  19. Vivien

    December 7, 2009 at 4:25 am

    awww same here… I hope we can all get our christmas tree back.

  20. Suzy

    December 7, 2009 at 6:37 am

    Hey everybody! I have a friend who figured out how to send me one as a gift; I was all prepared to share the secret with all of you ~ but when I clicked on ‘accept gift’ I got an error message! And then the request to accept her gift disappeared. : (

    I wouldn’t mind this so much if they would just tell us what’s up: if we are outta luck and never gonna get a tree, TELL US. If the gifts won’t open withot a tree, TELL US! The gifts are stuffing the gift box and preventing usable gifts from being accepted!!! Is this true for everyone else, too?

  21. Cathy

    December 7, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    The Christmas tree accepts 60 gifts. I received 60 gifts. People keep sending me more gift but I am not able to use them. They are stacking up in my gift box, not allowing me to access other gifts being sent. How do I get another tree? Do I need to sell all these presents for 5 coins in order to access my other gifts?

  22. ap

    December 7, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    is admin really admin? then can you tell us about the tree issue?
    if I can’t get one, i’ll sell my presents. but i need to know. giftbox seems to only hold 30 gifts for me, so i want to get rid of these presents if they’re useless. facebook, please let me buy a new tree since I sold mine. OR a festivus pole!!!! a festivus for the rest of us! much better than a holiday tree (i mean christmas tree. don’t want to offend anyone either way but who else uses a tree for presents??) ….

  23. Suzy

    December 7, 2009 at 8:25 pm

    Hey again, everybody. We are all saying basically the same thing, in somewhat different words. I could be wrong, but I don’t think this website has ANYTHING to do with Zynga or Farmville, or Facebook, for that matters! It’s a website for people like us who have common concerns, questions, etc. I never expected anyone from Zynga or Farmville to read these posts and solve our problem for us. I just thought there may be someone posting here who has figured out a solution and could share it! I am posting on other websites for the same problem, and it’s the same thing ~ NOT Zynga or Farmville, just a forum like this one. Good luck to us all!!!

  24. Suzy

    December 7, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    PS YES! I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way you can accept other, useful gifts is to selll A FEW, not all, of your wrapped packages to make space in the gift box for the trees, animals, etc. I am starting to think that, without a tree, we will never be able to open those gifts, so we COULD just sell them, but I’m not willing to take that chance.

    By the way, is ANYONE who posts here coming back to read newer posts? No one ever makes any reference to things posted by others… I’m hoping that I am not the only one working on this problem, but all I see, every single day, are new posts asking for help!

  25. Suzy

    December 7, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    Hey, ‘admin’! How nice of you to join in the discussion ~ and I am serious, not being sarcastic! :) I really appreciate it, and I hope the others do, too. Thanks for clearning up the ‘zynga connection’ issue, so i don’t feel like an idiot, LOL. I WILL NOW HAVE FAITH! : ) THANK YOU!!!

    PS Would it be helpful to you if I asked my friend how she sent me a tree, even though the attempt failed?

  26. Calin

    December 7, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    Well, that bit of information would certainly cause no harm :)

    (It’s ‘admin’ – I think that Calin sounds better, even though it takes some editing of the post on my side :P)

  27. Suzy

    December 7, 2009 at 10:20 pm

    Calin! : ) I love it when people are friendly! : )
    I will contact my friend immediately and get that info from her, and will send it to you as soon as she replies. She works so it might not be right away…. Thanks again!

  28. Lee

    December 8, 2009 at 2:21 am

    OK guys, This is something I heard from another Farmville neighbor! Not sure if its legit, but it might be worth a try!!! (if you have a tree- wish i could help those of you that don’t have one..but I’ll work on it…) I’m full of little tricks for this game, so here’s one I’d like to pass on…DONT SELL THE EXTRA GIFTS AFTER YOUR TREE IS FULL!!! Leave them on your request page!!! after 24 december you can “accept” them from your gifts page, and OPEN them after you place them in your gift box (under the tree)!! they are giving us from 26 dec to 6 jan to open all the gifts.. you could be losing things to place on your farm, or XP….LEAVE THEM IN THE FACEBOOK REQUEST PAGE! But remember, you have to open some of the gifts from your tree, since only 60 will fit, you have to make room!

  29. Lee

    December 8, 2009 at 2:40 am

    Ok, I sent an email to Zynga myself…When I hear back from them, I will post the email here for everyone to read. I asked them How to recover a holiday tree. Hopefully they will get back to me soon…As soon as I hear- I will post!!

  30. Suzy

    December 8, 2009 at 3:09 am

    CALIN ~ here is what my friend says: “I got a gift from a friend, using farmville directly, not through facebook. When I tried to get back to that site after I sent the Christmas tree, I couldn’t do it.” So i don’t think that is going to be any help!

    HUSEIN and others ~ omygosh, i never meant to say that anyone is unfriendly! All I meant was that it was nice to hear from an ADMINISTRATOR of the website who was friendly! I understand your being upset about your tree; we all are! But geez, no, I never meant to say that anyone is unfriendly. : ) And now there is still a chance to CALIN can help us… Or Lee, who chimed in, also! Let’s have HOPE, people! : )

  31. Suzy

    December 8, 2009 at 3:44 am

    HUSEIN… LOL, you are funny, and sweet! I don’t understand what your last sentence meant, where you used the word ‘hate’ ~ but I am willing to assume it was just an honest error in word usage!

    I have thought of this forum and the people who have posted as sort of an exclusive club, all along! We all have a problem in common, and it feels good to know that one is not alone in having a problem, right?

    You are doing an amazing job if you are at level 47 already! I am at level 18, I think… maybe less. But as you say, the important thing is the fun we have playing, and the unexpected friends we come across ~ like here, in this forum! : )

  32. Lee

    December 8, 2009 at 4:00 am

    My goodness…level 47?!?! That’s great! Well, not sure how long Zynga takes to respond, But I will post any new information I get. I have 100s of neighbors, and I will try to see if anyone else has had any luck in settling this issue…also, I’m female! lol…
    It’s nice to see you guys trying to help each other out. I know a few neighbors of mine that just don’t care about helping others, it’s a nice change to see that on here! =)

  33. Suzy

    December 8, 2009 at 4:10 am

    giggle… i guess it’s MRS Lee then… or MS… ; ) See? This is exactly what I was talking about! If you read up through the posts from the last few days, FRIENDLY…. HELPING EACH OTHER… YEAH! That is exactly why I am here! It’s very cool! I wish more of the posters would chime in to say ‘hi’ or whatever, while they’re waiting for the problem to be solved. Thanks for joining the mix, Lee! Ms. Lee! : ) hee hee!!

  34. Lee

    December 8, 2009 at 4:15 am

    lol…thanks!!! There are so many neat little tricks and things people could be sharing and talking about while we wait!! You are soooooo right!!! I hope to be able to help everyone out…I’ve already had about 5 people repost that I needed to know about getting another tree! So, I’m hoping in the next day or so, we’ll have some kind of definite answer! That way there is still time to fill the trees!!! =]

    (it’s Mrs. Lee….but it doesn’t really matter!! ha ha ha)
    BTW, nice to meet you!

  35. Vivien

    December 8, 2009 at 7:30 am

    so is there still a way to get a chistmas tree bak? I tried asking people if they cant find theirs but theirs is [erfectly fine. I jope we will all find our christmas tree.

  36. Nickie

    December 8, 2009 at 10:31 am

    well, i have a christmas tree but I really wat to get anoher one. But i`m betther than the ones who doesnt`h have even one tree … Pffff please do sth for su.. Christmas is almost here and we really want to have chrismas tree in our farms … It would be goodif we could buy a tree .. Please people d sth to get Cristmas trees somehow :(

  37. ap

    December 8, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    i’d settle for a festivus pole at this point!

  38. Lee

    December 9, 2009 at 1:56 am

    Ok everyone!! I finally got a response back from Zynga! I am going to copy the entire email so everyone will know what they are going to do about this issue!!!!

    Response (Zynga Customer Support) 12/08/2009 02:17 PM
    Hello Lee,

    Thank you for letting us know about the issue regarding the Holiday Tree. You were not alone in experiencing this issue as many of our users have reported various issues related to the Holiday Tree. This encompasses missing Holiday Trees, max gift capacity reached in Holiday Trees, and requests for another Holiday Tree. We are aware of these issues and our developers have been working hard to resolve them.

    We would like to reassure you that if you are among those that do not have a Holiday Tree, there will soon be a fix within the near future. If you are unable to access the tree again, please do not worry. Our developers are addressing this problem and are currently working on a new feature that should resolve the Holiday Tree issue soon.

    Again we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Zynga Customer Support

    Ok guys…hopefullt it won’t be too long now and everyone will be able to have a tree…we just have to keep our fingers crossed..but in the mean time, i suggest that you keep all your gifts on your request page and do not accept them yet! That way when you get a tree, u will be able to fill it up!!! Hope this helps!

  39. Suzy

    December 9, 2009 at 3:54 am

    Well. Lee has certainly been diligent, and has worked magic that no one else was able to even attempt ~ just getting a response from Zynga!! Thank you, Lee! : )
    Are you saying that our gifts will remain on the request page and not disappear or cause a problem? Will they allow them to sit there and take up space for another two weeks or more? If so, GREAT! : ) Thanks again!

  40. cindy domiano

    December 9, 2009 at 5:30 am

    i am unable to plant my christmas tree. everytime i try it dissappears. what can i do. I have lots of gifts but cant use them because my christmas tree wont plant. its very annoying. Please give me some help.

  41. bryan

    December 9, 2009 at 5:45 am

    Well i was at my school working on a final draft of an essay with a friend, since we were in school hours and we finished early we went into our facebook account and played farmville, i already had my christmas tree that i got as a gift from zynga. My friend went to the shop and actually bought one for 5,000 coins! then he noticed he had a gift from zynga and it was his own tree, he bought one and got a free one, now he has 2 trees and he can get up to 120 gifts.Thing is that I myself went to buy an extra one, and it wasn’t there so i’m confused.

  42. Suzy

    December 9, 2009 at 5:50 am

    People who post here (from this point forward) need to scroll up and read earlier posts. The missing holiday tree issue HAS BEEN ADDRESSED!!! It seems that people are posting angrily and not even reading to see what has been said.

    Also, people need to understand that this is not the website that created or controls Farmville! Threatening, in this forum, to stop playing if you don’t get your holiday tree, is wasting your time and energy, because it won’t hurt anyone here! (or on Zynga, or Farmville, for that matter!) The administrator here AND sme of the posters are doing everything they can to help those of us who have no tree. BE PATIENT and READ THE POSTS before getting so angry! We are nice people here, and want to play nice! : )

  43. Vivien

    December 9, 2009 at 11:26 am

    WOAH.. ur lucky getting 2 trees now.. but can anyone tell me how you can buy it from the market? coz like my coz said tha i sent you a tree and i was like..wat really? she said she will send me one tonight… but by the time it was night she said it wasnt there. I hope for the people who cant find there tree will find it soon :)

  44. Jessica

    December 9, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    I have a question my Christmas tree if Fully grown I have 60 presents under it will I be able to open the gifts that arent sent to me that I have in my gift box on CHristmas day also.

  45. Lee

    December 10, 2009 at 2:00 am

    No Problem Suzy! I’m just glad I could help you guys out! And for those of you that have questions about the gifts remaining in the gift box AFTER the tree is full…yes, we all should be able to use them too AFTER you open some in your tree to make room…but I want to caution everyone…~*IF YOU TAKE AND OPEN ALL THE GIFTS IN THE HOLIDAY TREE AND NOT LEAVE AT LEAST ONE IN THERE, YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE OTHER PENDING GIFTS!*~ i’m not 100% sure about that, but it IS a possibility! So, be safe and always leave one until you accept them all and put them under the tree and you have NO MORE LEFT! (*just a heads up!)

    Farmville is going through A LOT of technical issues right now! They are working hard to correct all the problems we are facing…please be patient! Here is a notice sent out by Farmville…(in case some of you haven’t seen it!)

    “Hey Farmers! We have revived ALL withered crops and made ALL mature crops wither-proof until Thursday, Dec. 10 at 12:01am PDT! Our deepest apologies for all of the recent technical issues. Come on back and get your healthy, bountiful harvest! ”

    *also, like Suzy said, if you read earlier posts, it could help you out! Yes, we are here to help anyone out that needs it!!! Happy Farming

  46. Vivien

    December 10, 2009 at 2:20 am

    I got an reply from zynga.. would you guys like to hear it?

  47. Lee

    December 10, 2009 at 3:11 am

    sure! of course!

  48. Vivien

    December 10, 2009 at 3:49 am

    Hello Vivien,

    Thank you for letting us know about the issue regarding the Holiday Tree. You were not alone in experiencing this problem. We have been made aware of it through a number of our users and our developers have been working hard to resolve this issue. We would like to reassure you that if you do not have a Holiday Tree, there will soon be a fix within the near future. If you are unable to access the tree again, please do not worry. Our developers are addressing this issue and are currently working on a new feature that should resolve the Holiday Tree issue soon.

    Again we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    We have included a link below to an article about the “Holiday Tree and Holiday Items” from our Customer Support Knowledge Base.
    Answer Title: FarmVille Holiday Tree and Holiday Items
    Answer Link:

    If you experience Missing Gifts, it is an issue that we are aware of and are trying to track down and fix. As this error manifests itself in various ways this has proven to be somewhat difficult. It would be of great benefit to our development team if you would take a minute to detail your specific Missing Gifts experience on our community forums. They have set up a thread in the Bugs & Bug Reporting section of the forum specifically to gather this sort of information so that we can resolve this issue for you once and for all. For your convenience we have included a link to the article below.

    Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

    Also, please do be aware that there is a user generated application circulating on Facebook titled “FarmVille Gifts.” This application is NOT authorized by Zynga and is NOT affiliated or associated with FarmVille. Gifts accepted through “FarmVille Gifts” will not display as that application is not associated with our game.

    Zynga Customer Support

  49. Suzy

    December 10, 2009 at 5:41 am

    GIGGLE!!! Lee, I guess you have become ‘officially’ MRS. LEE!!! It says so right up there in the update on this website! : D

    Well, happy happy holidays to all of us! I guess by now everyone has their replacement tree. If you haven’t discovered that you can get one, go to the market ~ you can buy it for only 10 coins! I think it was fantastic of them to make them so cheap for us, don’t you all agree?

    I already had almost 50 gifts waiting, so i’m laughing! I hope it’s that good for all of you. You know what? I’m GLAD this happened, that I lost my tree and that I went on a mission to get a replacement. Of course, I am not the one that succeeded in getting to the solution to the problem, but I think all of us posting here helped, by sheer numbers! And I so happy to have met you, ‘Mrs. Lee’ ~ and Husein ~ and Calin… wow, when I scroll up and reread all those posts, it occurs to me that this is the first time I have personally been involved in something like this, and it was FUN!! : D

    Happy, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you!!!! hugs!!!

  50. Natalie

    December 11, 2009 at 4:20 am

    does anyone know how to get rid of “blanket of snow”? I tried it and it looks awful on my farm. :(

  51. Calin

    December 12, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    Natalie, simply go to the Marketplace and under the “Farm expansions” tab you will find the “Green pasture” to buy and get the green back to your farm!

  52. Destiny

    December 12, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    People you can just buy a new tree in the market for 10 coins if you sold it….

  53. daniel horner

    December 16, 2009 at 6:41 pm

    its so annoying i ad 4 presents and i accepted them and it just went to my farm and wudnt come up in the gift box or anything it so annoying

  54. sara

    December 20, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    I think they should up the gifts to 200 hundred..ive got 100 and have another 15 in my inbox and have sold about another hundred..

  55. HELPER

    December 20, 2009 at 10:03 pm

    hey u guys ca buy a present tree for 10 coins now

  56. Farmville crazy ;)

    December 23, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    so you can open em on the 24th of december yeh ? well at what time ? the second it turns twelve or what ? cus wherre i am its 1:05am 24th of December and you still cannot open your presents ? whats the go ?

  57. Steeph

    December 24, 2009 at 2:55 am

    ^ Same here.

    It’s 00:56 on xmas eve and I still cant open mine!!

  58. Ryan

    December 24, 2009 at 6:13 am

    midnight on the 24th EASTERN TIME

  59. Luz

    December 24, 2009 at 11:43 am


  60. Zaniac

    December 24, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    if you open all the presents then will the tree disappear? any1 no?

  61. Laura

    December 30, 2009 at 3:50 am

    I’m having the exact opposite problem.

    I cannot get rid of the tree! Help!

  62. Shannon

    December 31, 2009 at 5:18 am

    My Tree was accidently deleted, how do I get another one.

  63. WANDA

    January 1, 2010 at 8:15 pm


  64. Jo Ann Moody

    January 2, 2010 at 3:17 am

    I can’t get rid of the tree.

  65. Suzy

    January 2, 2010 at 3:20 am

    The tree and the gifts are supposed to contiue to ‘work’ until… what is it, jan. 4th? or 7th? I’m thinking that at that point, the tree will disappear automatically…? Could be wrong, but I, for one, am willing to wait and see… :)

  66. Josie

    January 3, 2010 at 4:11 am

    does anyone know when was the last day we could buy a xmas mother is just joined and there is no xmas tree appearing in the market.does this mean she has missed out??can someone let me know before she goes ahead and sells all her gifts plz.

  67. Suzy

    January 3, 2010 at 4:15 am

    Look in the market. the rest of us who accidentally sold or lost ours bought one there for 10 coins. but you don’t have much time…

  68. Tob

    January 3, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    Just select the delete shovel to get rid of your Christmas Tree

  69. Tresa

    January 8, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    How do I get rid of this christmas tree? It’s driving me nuts.

  70. emmapope

    April 25, 2010 at 11:43 pm

    i deleted my tree not meaning too how can i get one back

  71. kathryne ream

    January 14, 2011 at 12:37 am

    i sold my holliday tree by accedent how can i get it back?

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However, the other important thing to remember is that there might be 1,000 to 1,000,000 people all playing the same online fruity at the same time, and you are not guaranteed to win back $/€/£96.00 if you spend $/€/£100.00.

Winning is all still down to lady luck. For example, I have deposited $/€/£10 or $/€/£20 many times in the past at my favourite sites and have won $/€/£60 to $/€/£100 from that initial deposit on one fruity. Other times, I have spent $/€/£50 to $/€/£100 on one fruit and won nothing.

That’s just how it is. Some gamblers may spend just $/€/£1.00 to $/€/£10.00 and win $/€/£100 or more in those 1-10 spins, and other users might spend $/€/£100 and only win $/€/£1.00 to $/€/£10 in over 500 spins.

A good RTP% payout rate in an online fruity is considered 96.00% or above.

The average is considered to be between 93.00% and 95.99%, and the lowest is anything below 93.00%. In other words, most online fruitys today have an average 93.00% to 98.00% RTP payout rate.

Which online fruitys have a 96.00% RTP payout rate in 2024?

Apart from the Chicago Gold online fruity, many other hit titles have the same payout rate. Examples include the following top-rated titles that you may want to check out, which you can play on a desktop computer or smartphone provided you are of legal age in your country:

  • Esqueleto Explosivo online fruity by Thunderkick
  • Frogblox online fruity by ELK Studios
  • Friends online fruity by [WMS] and SG Digital
  • Rainbow Riches Megaways online fruity by Barcrest and SG Digital
  • Aliya’s Wishes online fruity by Fortune Factory Studios and Games Global

There are many others out there, but I thought I would mention these as these are the ones where I have had a few decent-sized wins.

How to master 96% RTP fruitys

The easiest way to master any online fruity is to keep playing it. When trying a new fruity for the first time, I’ve always found that I will reduce the stake to the minimum amount, which is usually $/€/£0.10 or $/€/£0.20 just to test the waters and find out if I like it or not.

The other quickest way to bring yourself up to scratch is to head straight to the paytable to find out everything you need to know about the fruity you are about to play.

The important information I look for in the paytable is the RTP payout rate, the value of the regular symbols, what the scatter, bonus, and wild symbols look like, and how the in-play bonus features, free spins bonuses, and second screen bonus rounds work when they are triggered.

Once you have mastered one online fruity, learned everything there is to know about it, and figured out when it’s in a good mood (paying) or bad mood (not paying), you can apply those same strategies to all other online fruitys you decide to play.

When playing online fruitys, whether it’s one you have mastered or one you are trying for the first time, the most important thing I mustn’t forget to mention is to gamble responsibly.

The best way to do this is to start by setting a budget and then setting either a deposit limit, spending limit, session time reminder, or win/loss limit.

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5 Essential Banking Tips for Playing Online Casino in Australia




5 Essential Banking Tips for Playing Online Casino in Australia

Engaging with Australian online casinos can be a thrilling and potentially lucrative venture. However, navigating the complexities of online punting transactions is crucial for ensuring a seamless and secure gaming experience. 

This article provides expert advice to enhance online casino play and effectively manage finances. Whether a novice or seasoned player, these insights will contribute to a more enjoyable gaming journey.

Tip 1: Choose a Reliable Payment Method

Selecting a secure and dependable payment method is paramount when engaging in online punting. Australian players have access to a variety of payment options, including:

Credit cards

  • E-wallets
  • Bank transfers
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • When it comes to selecting the best remittance methods for online betting, there are several options available, each with its own advantages and potential drawbacks. As you explore new reliable online casinos, consider how different payment methods align with your financial management strategy. Here’s a breakdown of the most popular payment methods according to the experts of Stakers:

Visa and MasterCard

  • Popular choices due to convenience and robust security measures.
  • Recent regulations may impose restrictions on gambling trades.

E-wallets (ecoPayz, Neosurf, MuchBetter)

  • Favoured for rapid transaction times and lower fees.
  • Offer additional security by keeping banking information confidential.

Bank Transfers

  • Highly secure option.
  • Can be slower for withdrawals.
  • Reliable choice for larger transactions.

Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum)

  • Provide anonymity and quick processing times.
  • Increasingly popular among digital punting enthusiasts.

Tip 2: Set a Gambling Budget

Establishing a gambling budget is crucial for managing expenditure. It is easy to be swept up in the excitement of digital wagering, so setting a budget helps prevent overspending. Evaluating disposable income and establishing daily, weekly, or monthly limits that align with financial situations ensures that punting remains an enjoyable activity without negatively impacting financial well-being. Many virtual wagering parlours offer tools to assist in managing spending, such as deposit limits or notifications when a certain threshold is reached. 

Tip 3: Understand Casino Terms and Conditions

Before making a deposit, it is vital to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the betting establishment. Key aspects to consider include:

  1. Minimum deposit
  2. Withdrawal amounts
  3. Processing times
  4. Any associated fees

For instance, some betting establishments may impose fees for specific payment methods or restrict withdrawal amounts. It is also essential to understand wagering requirements and conditions related to bonuses and promotions. These rules dictate how many times a bonus must be wagered before withdrawing winnings. 

Tip 4: Utilise Responsible Gambling Tools

Reputable web-based wagering parlours offer responsible wagering tools to help players manage their punting behavior. Features such as deposit limits, self-exclusion options, and reality checks promote responsible betting and ensure a controlled and enjoyable experience.

Deposit LimitsAllows setting a maximum amount for deposits within a specified period.Helps stay within budget.
Self-Exclusion OptionsEnables a temporary break from gambling if needed.Provides a necessary pause to regain control.
Reality ChecksProvides reminders of how long one has been playing.Aids in effective time management.

Tip 5: Keep Track of Transactions and Monitor Account Activity

Maintaining accurate records of all deposits, withdrawals, and bonus transactions is essential for effective financial management. Using spreadsheets or financial apps to meticulously track all transactions ensures control over spending. Regularly monitoring account activity helps identify any suspicious or unauthorised activity, which should be promptly reported to the casino’s customer service.

Vigilance in monitoring transactions ensures the security and integrity of funds. Reporting anomalies or suspicious transactions immediately to both the betting establishment and the payment provider safeguards accounts and funds from potential fraud.


Adhering to these banking tips enhances the digital casino experience, ensuring it remains safe and enjoyable. Choosing reliable payment methods, setting a budget, understanding terms and conditions, using responsible gambling tools, and keeping meticulous records of transactions allows confident navigation in the world of virtual gambling. Staying vigilant and proactive maximises the online casino journey, always prioritising safe and responsible gambling practices.

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The Live Blackjack Journey: From Beginner to Pro




The Live Blackjack Journey: From Beginner to Pro

All the traditional online casino platforms come with a bunch of games. The game section has lots of slot games as well as some table game titles. However, a live casino section is also present with games like live roulette, poker, baccarat, and blackjack.

Live blackjack is a popular rendition of the game. Players from all over the world visit casino sites to enjoy it. You might be new to the title, but you needn’t worry as learning it is a process that takes time. When you focus on the right things, you’ll become a live blackjack pro.

Creating an Account on the Right Website

As a beginner, you need to understand that the right platform will cover all your needs and wants. To find one look for a license at the bottom of the webpage. Then dive into the games section, visit the live games selection, and see if it comes with several blackjack online titles available. The array of bonuses will also help you in your gaming sessions, so consider them too. For a smooth experience look for your favorite payment method in the payment methods sections. Don’t forget about customer support and security before creating an account at the right website.

Using Blackjack Demos as Practice Tools

Live blackjack doesn’t come with a demo version. Instead, you’ll need to find the specific version as a table game. When you do, you can go for the demo variant of the title. The demo version lets you learn the basics without having to worry about the consequences of mistakes. In other words, you can enjoy the game while making mistakes, as you won’t suffer for it. While you’re learning the basics, you’ll also need to know how to become a disciplined player.

Becoming Disciplined

There are two sides to disciplined live blackjack players: budget and attitude management. The former is a skill that will grant you the tools to manage wins and losses. You will split it into pieces per session, and you will look to increase it by dedicating a piece of your winnings. Losses will reduce it, but don’t go playing the game looking to earn your lost money back. The latter is an essential skill that stops you from rash decisions such as chasing losses. With the right attitude, you’ll grow as a live blackjack player.

Going for the Real-Money Experience

The real-money experience will teach you what it feels like to play live blackjack for real. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. By putting your skills to the test, you’ll take it to the next level, and stay ahead of the competition.

To Sum Up

Live blackjack is a game of skill that beginners need to master if they’re to become pros. They need to find the right platform and practice with demo blackjack versions. Becoming disciplined players is another vital aspect of the real-money live blackjack experience. As time passes and they practice regularly, they’ll become live blackjack pros in no time.

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