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League of Legends Tier List – Patch 9.2



league of legends

League of Legends is a game that has been going on for a while and has seen some significant changes in its gameplay, whether it is influenced by the characters you control, called champions, or by any changes in the items or map. This League of Legends tier list will offer you a perspective on which champions have an advantage in the 9.2 Patch.

With the coming of League of Legends Patch 9.2, the metagame has found itself being influenced again and a lot of mechanics you were familiar with may or may not be viable. Now for a casual player it does not matter that much but if you are one who plays LoL to climb the ranks, seek the competitive advantage and keep growing until you reach the point where some professionals play, then you need to do a lot of research or know what are the most suitable decisions in the current state of the game.

This  updated League of Legends tier list  will tell you what League of Legends champions you should play and what you should stay away from if you want that rank climb.

God Tier Champions

The God Tier consists of those champions that are guaranteed to give you an advantage in the early game and will stay as much impactful in the late game.

They also have the association of being ‘overpowered’ as in the current patch, they received a huge buff or something that favors them. For winning a ranked game, these options are a must to go for if they have not been banned already.

One thing you must note, a few of this champions can be hard to control if you’re a beginner – a bronzie. Its better to test them with bots before playing in ranked .

  • Lucian
  • Karthus
  • Pyke
  • Ezreal
  • Kha’Zix
  • Yasuo
  • Thresh
  • Vladimir
  • Kai’Sa
  • Lee Sin
  • Zed
  • Morgana
  • Darius
  • Draven
  • Kane
  • Ahri
  • Zyra
  • Sivir
  • Nami
  • Riven
  • Twitch
  • Xin Zhao
  • Zerath
  • Brand
  • Illao
  • Jinx
  • Sona
  • Gangplank
  • Vayne
  • Shivana
  • Soraka
  • Sion
  • Jhin
  • Evelynn
  • Katarina
  • Vel’Koz
  • Rengar
  • Lux
  • Kled

League of Legends Tier 1 Champions

The Tier 1 list consists of champions that you will most likely end up with since the champions in the god tier list will be banned 90% of the time and there would be probably a few that you still haven’t learned. . The strength of the Tier 1 champions is lower compared to the God tier but they are still very viable in order to have a good game.

  • Jarvan IV
  • Lissandra
  • Zilean
  • Renekton
  • Master Yi
  • Malzahar
  • Urgot
  • Veigar
  • Bard
  • Garen
  • Miss Fortune
  • Sejuanni
  • Janna
  • Jax
  • Caitlyn
  • Shaco
  • Cassieopeia
  • Blitzcrank
  • Yorick
  • Graves
  • LeBlanc
  • Alistar
  • Fiora
  • Tristana
  • Camille
  • Kassadin
  • Taric
  • Teemo
  • Ashe
  • Nidalee
  • Orianna
  • Lulu
  • Aatrox
  • Kalista
  • Zoe
  • Leona
  • Irelia
  • Xaya
  • Rammus
  • Braum
  • Jayce
  • Varus
  • Hecarim
  • Akali
  • Karma
  • Tryndamere
  • Kindred
  • Talon
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Udyr
  • Fizz
  • Warwick
  • Nocturne
  • Anivia
  • Nautilus
  • Zac
  • Kennen
  • Ekko
  • Rumble

League of Legends Tier 2 Champions

Continuing with the League of Legends tier list – Tier 2 champions are a step lower in terms of power when compared to the tiers above, you might not find them very useful in general as they sometimes do a mechanic poor in comparison to a champion of a higher tier list. An example of this can be having a spell that deals the same damage as a Tier 1 champion but instead, your spell has a high mana cost or is a skill-shot. The champions in tier 2 are more of a preference and are picked when you want a counter.

  • Neeko
  • Syndra
  • Vi
  • Victor
  • Wukong
  • Elise
  • Diana
  • Twisted Fate
  • Rakan
  • Amumu
  • Tahm Kench
  • Malphite
  • Pantheon
  • Poppy
  • Auerlion Sol
  • Gragaz
  • Ryse
  • Gnar
  • Galio
  • Shen
  • Sylas
  • Ornn

Highest Ban and Pick rate 

The ban and pick rate terms are pretty self-explanatory, they are simply the rate at which the champions are selected and barred from a ranked game.

It is a very important thing to know when you are playing a ranked game as you do not want to end up playing against a champion in the god tier list whilst you are only left with Tier 2 or some tier 1s because the opponent banned all the other god tier champions.

You can determine what to ban by simply knowing the metagame or if you know the other player well enough, what is his strongest suit and what not, you can even make assumptions like if a champion is easy to play and is in a god tier list, you would know what to ban and what to pick.

Highest Pick Rate

  • Thresh
  • Ezreal
  • Lucian
  • Lee Sin
  • Kai’Sa

Highest Ban Rate

  • Yasuo
  • Akali
  • Lucian
  • Pyke
  • Darius

League of Legends Patch Notes 9.2 

Game Pacing and Jungle

The game pacing has also been influenced by the coming of Patch 9.2. The most notable change we have been seeing implemented is the changes to Baron Buff. Previously the developers wanted to impact siege damage less by buffing up the minions with low power so that many games were not dependent on it. In the current patch, the baron buff has seen a nerf in terms of attack damage, spell damage, minion damage versus champions so that the early game snowball is reduced and the other team can come back more effectively.

Another change is to the base defenses or the towers, they have better siege protection in the early game to offer more lane defense and an increase in the laning phase. The defenses now have 70 armor and magic resistance all times. Lastly, the jungle has received some love by the increase in XP scaling according to the champion’s level and the neutral mobs giving more XP themselves as well.

Champions, Items, Runes, and Spells

Of course, a patch is incomplete without the usual nerfs, buffs or mechanical changes for the champions, it is what keeps the game going and evolves the meta every time. First off, we have the release of the new champion, Sylas, it is still to be determined on whether the champion will be a viable pick for ranked play or not as not many players have gotten experienced with the playstyle. There have also been some changes for the previous champions or items that aim to tweak around and tune the game to make it as balanced as possible in the current state.

Most notable of these changes are the Yorick and Evelyn rework, they have seen some changes to their abilities. Some nerfs were also applied to champions such as Rakan and Kassadin in terms of power and armor. On the other hand, some champions received a buff such as Ornn getting more health and armor and Vi having a delay reduction in her abilities thereby getting more speed.

Lastly, let us take a look at the items, runes and summoner spells as they have a huge impact in influencing the game as well, more specifically the late game. The Oblivion orb cost is increased whilst its ability power decreased, Morellonomicon has its ability power decreased and the Sunfire cape has its cost decreased.

The Overheal rune now gives less and late shielding but the shield decays over time instead of going out immediately, the Legend: Bloodline has lifesteal per stack decreased but the stacks are now doubled, Ignite has its damage and cooldown decreased and the Absolute Focus has its adaptive stats decreased.

We hope you enjoyed our article about the League of Legends tier list for Patch 9.2 and we hope it will help you improve your tactics. If you’re on mobile, don’t forget to try mobile games similar with League of Legends.

Image Source: Hackernoon

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Top 15 Apps like GamePigeon for Android, Iphone and PC




In the dynamic world of mobile gaming, multiplayer apps have gained immense popularity, connecting friends and players globally. GamePigeon, a widely acclaimed multiplayer gaming platform, has set a benchmark for interactive gaming experiences. As the demand for such apps continues to grow, enthusiasts are constantly on the lookout for alternatives that offer unique features and engaging gameplay.

In this article, we delve into the top 15 apps like GamePigeon for Android, iPhone, and PC, exploring their features, compatibility, and user reviews.

Explanation Of GamePigeon

GamePigeon, initially introduced as an iMessage extension for iOS devices, has gained widespread recognition for its diverse range of multiplayer games. From classic board games like Chess and Checkers to modern hits like 8-Ball Pool and Cup Pong, GamePigeon provides a one-stop-shop for social gaming within the iMessage app. Its simplicity and seamless integration have made it a favorite among users, fostering a vibrant gaming community.

Growing Popularity Of Multiplayer Gaming Apps In Recent Time

The surge in popularity of multiplayer gaming apps can be attributed to the desire for real-time interactions and shared experiences among players. With the advent of high-speed internet and advanced mobile devices, gaming has transcended traditional boundaries. The ability to connect with friends or opponents across the globe in a virtual gaming environment has become a major driving force behind the success of multiplayer gaming apps.

Top 15 Apps Like GamePigeon

1. Game XYZ

Brief Overview: Game XYZ offers a diverse collection of multiplayer games, ranging from strategy to action, providing an engaging platform for players of all interests.

Key Features: Real-time chat, customizable avatars, and a leaderboard system for friendly competition.

Compatibility: Available on Android, iPhone, and PC.

User Rating: 4.7/5

2. MultiPlay Master

multiplayer master

Brief Overview: MultiPlay Master specializes in classic card games and board games, ensuring a nostalgic yet innovative gaming experience.

Key Features: Intuitive controls, multiplayer tournaments, and regular updates with new game additions.

Compatibility: Android and iPhone.

User Rating: 4.5/5

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3. Brunch

Brief Overview: Brunch is a versatile gaming platform that brings together a collection of multiplayer games for social interaction. Its intuitive interface and wide range of games make it an appealing choice for users seeking variety.

Key Features: Diverse game selection, user-friendly interface, real-time multiplayer, and in-game chat.

Compatibility: Available on Android and iOS devices.

User Rating: 4.5/5

4. Houseparty

Brief Overview: Houseparty is not just a gaming app; it’s a social platform where users can play games, video chat, and connect with friends. Its emphasis on real-time interaction makes it an engaging alternative to GamePigeon.

Key Features: Group video chat, interactive games, social integration, and cross-platform support.

Compatibility: Android, iOS, and PC.

User Rating: 4.3/5

5. AirConsole

Brief Overview: AirConsole transforms your smartphone into a game controller and your web browser into the gaming console. With a wide selection of multiplayer games, it offers a unique gaming experience.

Key Features: Browser-based gaming, smartphone as a controller, diverse game library, and real-time multiplayer.

Compatibility: Android, iOS, and PC.

User Rating: 4.2/5

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6. Zynga Poker:

Brief Overview: Zynga Poker is a must-have for poker enthusiasts. It provides a realistic poker experience with a large player base, tournaments, and a variety of game modes.

Key Features: Texas Hold’em poker, tournaments, social features, and in-game chat.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.7/5

7. UNO!™

Brief Overview: UNO!™ brings the classic card game to your digital devices, allowing you to play with friends or random opponents. The app adds a modern twist to the timeless UNO experience.

Key Features: Classic UNO gameplay, multiplayer options, tournaments, and customization.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.6/5

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8. Ball Pool

Brief Overview: For fans of pool, 8 Ball Pool is an immersive and realistic gaming experience. Compete with friends or players worldwide in thrilling 1v1 matches.

Key Features: Realistic pool physics, multiplayer mode, tournaments, and in-game chat.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.8/5

9. Words with Friends 2

Brief Overview: A sequel to the immensely popular Words with Friends, this app combines the love for word games with social connectivity, offering an engaging Scrabble-like experience.

Key Features: Word-building gameplay, solo and multiplayer modes, daily challenges, and social features.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.4/5

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10. QuizUp

Brief Overview: QuizUp is a trivia lover’s paradise, offering a vast array of topics to challenge friends or strangers in real-time trivia matches. It’s an excellent app for those seeking mental stimulation.

Key Features: Wide range of trivia categories, real-time matches, global leaderboards, and social integration.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.5/5

11. Psych! Outwit Your Friends

Brief Overview: Created by the makers of Heads Up!, Psych! is a hilarious party game that challenges players to come up with the most creative responses to amusing prompts.

Key Features: Wacky challenges, creative responses, group play, and humor-driven gameplay.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.3/5

12. Draw Something Classic

Brief Overview: Draw Something Classic is a delightful drawing and guessing game that fosters creativity and laughter. It’s a fantastic option for those who enjoy Pictionary-style gameplay.

Key Features: Drawing and guessing, turn-based gameplay, social integration, and colorful visuals.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.6/5

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13. Spaceteam

Brief Overview: Spaceteam takes multiplayer gaming to a whole new level by requiring players to work together as a team to operate a spaceship. Communication and chaos ensue in this fast-paced experience.

Key Features: Cooperative gameplay, unique challenges, real-time communication, and cross-platform compatibility.

Compatibility: Android, iOS, and PC.

User Rating: 4.4/5

14. Evil Apples

Brief Overview: Evil Apples is a cheeky and humorous card game that draws inspiration from the infamous Cards Against Humanity. It’s a great choice for those who enjoy irreverent and adult-themed humor.

Key Features: Card-based gameplay, adult humor, multiplayer mode, and social features.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.2/5

15. Game of Games the Game:

Game of Games the Game

Brief Overview: Based on Ellen DeGeneres’ popular TV show, Game of Games the Game brings the same quirky and entertaining challenges to your mobile devices. It’s a fun-filled experience for fans of the show.

Key Features: TV show-inspired challenges, multiplayer mode, diverse mini-games, and humorous commentary.

Compatibility: Android and iOS.

User Rating: 4.1/5

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In conclusion, the world of multiplayer gaming apps continues to expand, offering a plethora of alternatives to GamePigeon. Each app brings its unique flavor to the gaming table, catering to diverse preferences and interests. Whether you’re an Android, iPhone, or PC user, there’s a multiplayer gaming app waiting to be explored. As technology advances, we can expect even more innovative and immersive gaming experiences to emerge, further enriching the world of mobile multiplayer gaming.

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Why was Michael Schumacher so good at Formula 1?




Why was Michael Schumacher so good at Formula 1?

The extraordinary Michael Schumacher retired from Formula 1 back in 2012. Make now an online bet on sport – 1xBet also has all Formula 1 events too. However, even after all those years, fans still wonder how it was possible for him to be so good on the track. Let’s find out.

In 1st place we have talent. Schumacher had this incredible gift for driving. Picture him on the track. Here he was capable of doing 3 great things:

  • handling his car beautifully;
  • pushing it to its edge;
  • and almost dancing with it on every tour.

It was like watching an artist at work, but on a racetrack. At 1xBet you can make online bets on sports, and Formula 1 is available too.

A lot of hard work

In 2nd place, we should say that Schumacher was the definition of hard work. He was dedicated to 3 big things: dedication to fitness, mental prep, and getting every detail just right. He treated every race like a mission, leaving no room for shortcuts. If you love Formula 1 you can go to – check sports betting on line and other great motorsports too.

A 3rd thing to mention is that Schumacher wasn’t just a driver; he was a technical genius. His understanding of how those Formula 1 machines worked was next-level. He’d dive deep into the nitty-gritty with the engineers, tweaking and fine-tuning the car to perfection. It was like he and the car spoke the same language. You can check on line sports betting at 1xBet if you want to wager on other extraordinary drivers too.

A consistent strategist

In 4th place, we may say that when the lights went out, Schumacher was cool as ice. Whether it was pouring rain or scorching sun, he had this uncanny ability to do 3 things: stay calm, make split-second decisions, and outsmart everyone else on the track. Currently you can get 1x app, where you can make Formula 1 wagers from your phone too.

A 5th factor to mention is that Schumacher wasn’t a 1-hit wonder. He was a maestro over the long haul. Year after year, he brought his A-game. And it wasn’t just about winning; it was about staying at the top.

A 6th aspect to mention is that, in the Ferrari days, which lasted between 1996 and 2006, Schumacher wasn’t just a driver; he was a leader. He brought the team together, motivated them like a coach in a locker room pep talk. The guy knew how to make everyone around him perform at their best. If you like Ferrari, you can get the 1x Bet app if you want to wager on their races too.

Records are the 7th factor, which Schumacher constantly shattered. In total he won 7 World Championships, 91 Grand Prix victories, 68 pole positions and 155 podiums. Thanks to all of this, his name is etched in the F1 history books.

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Pome Rumble: A Puzzle RPG Adventure on an Enchanting Alien Planet!




Pome rumble

A new star is on the horizon in the captivating gaming realm – Pome Rumble, an innovative Puzzle RPG game that promises players an otherworldly adventure. Explore an enchanting alien planet with Pome and his companions as you immerse yourself in the captivating narrative. This game will captivate you with its stunning landscapes and thrilling challenges.

Pome rumble

A Thrilling Arrival on Uncharted Terrain

The journey begins with Pome and his friends finding themselves in an unexpected predicament – an emergency landing on an entirely alien planet. Stranded and far from home, they quickly realize they are not alone in this unfamiliar region. The native inhabitants, known as Ketsians, have been displaced due to feral creatures roaming the planet.

A Call to Aid the Displaced Ketsians

Pome and his friends set out on a mission to help the displaced Ketsians reclaim their rightful place on the planet. The bond between these interstellar companions grows stronger as they face various challenges together. By overcoming these obstacles, they pave the way for the Ketsians to reclaim their homes and restore balance to their world.

Navigate Challenges and Gather Resources

As players progress through Pome Rumble, they will face a variety of challenges that will put their strategic skills to the test. These challenges are both a test of intelligence and a means of gathering valuable resources. The elusive Space Stone (SPS), a mysterious gem with unfathomable power, is one of the most sought-after resources. The Space Stone empowers Pomes and improves their abilities.

Top Notch Game Play

Initially, you’ll find chapters and a “Scout” button to commence. Once the game starts, you’ll confront the first wave. Your objective is to continue playing until you triumph. Following your victory, you’ll face the ultimate wave, often called the boss wave. Your task is to engage and emerge victorious in this final challenge.

Power of the Space Stone

At the heart of Pome Rumble lies the Space Stone – a focal point of intrigue and power. It acts as a conduit to enhance the capabilities of Pomes and their allies. Moreover, players can exchange the Space Stone for PMR, a utility token that opens the door to a realm of possibilities within the game.

Unleash Your Inner Strategist

Pome Rumble is not just about resource collection and empowerment. It’s also about strategic growth. Nurture your Pomes by equipping them with diverse skills that cater to different situations. By honing these abilities, you can significantly impact the outcome of battles and challenges that lie ahead. The evolution of your Pomes into formidable units is a testament to your strategic prowess.

Unlocking the World of NFTs

In the realm of Pome Rumble, growth has no bounds. As your Pomes flourish and reach their full potential, the possibility of transforming them into unique NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) emerges. These NFTs testify to your dedication and open doors to enhanced combat abilities and mining efficiency.

A Grand Narrative Rewritten by You

Every twist and turn in Pome Rumble is a chapter waiting to be written by you. The adventures you have, the challenges you overcome, and the bonds you form with Pomes and their allies help to shape the story into a grand saga. As you contribute to the story, you become a part of the enthralling world that Pome Rumble encapsulates.

An Odyssey Beyond the Stars

Pome Rumble shines as a luminary in the vast gaming galaxy that beckons players to embark on an odyssey beyond the stars. Crafted with care and attention to detail, this Puzzle RPG adventure allows you to weave your story amidst captivating landscapes and challenging trials. Join us on this celestial journey, where the beauty of an alien planet, the courage of companionship, and the mystique of the Space Stone await your exploration. Pome Rumble welcomes you to a realm where your choices shape destiny!

Pre-Register For Pome-Rumble Game!

Exciting news for you all! Prepare for a thrilling adventure with Pome Rumble – the ultimate Puzzle RPG Game! Embark on a grand adventure with cunning puzzles and enthralling conflicts set in an enchanting fantasy realm. 

Join the pre-registration today to become a part of this exhilarating journey!

To express our gratitude, those who pre-register for the WEB3 version will be granted a substantial reward of 1,000 diamonds upon the game’s launch – an absolute assurance of a powerful advantage to ignite your expedition! And there’s even more to anticipate! As the combined pre-registration objective is achieved, we’re offering you the opportunity to secure remarkable prizes on a grand scale!

An exciting raffle will distribute a whopping $1,800 in PMR tokens or exclusive NFTs.

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to dive into puzzles, strategies, and rewards. Be one of the first to experience Pome Rumble – Join the pre-registration and let the adventure begin! 

Remember, when we thrive, you succeed!

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