Borderlands 3 Cheats, Codes, Tips & Tricks

In this article, we will share with you some of the most used Borderlands 3 cheats that would help you improve your gaming strategy and experience. It is also worth mentioning that these are Borderlands 3 cheats ps4.
Activating SHiFT Cheats and Codes
These cheats are codes that can be entered using the SHiFT account at the Gearbox Software unlocking different rewards that would help you take the whole gaming experience to a new level.
In general, these borderlands 3 cheats will give you cosmetic rewards or Golden Keys that can be used to open the Gold Loot Box on Sanctuary III. Take into account that these Golden Keys work just once and will provide you with a random roll of high-level loot each time that you open one.
Furthermore, the SHiFT codes can be used several times according to the platform you are handling. If you do so on different platforms they can work several times. However, they expire over time. These borderland 3 cheats are blocked according to the region in which you are.
- 1 Golden Key: 9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z
- 1 Golden Key: CHKB3-FJT9J-SK3K5-T33JJ-95J56
- 3 Golden Keys: ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H
- 1 Golden Key: ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36
- 1 Golden Key: Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6
Borderlands 3 Cheats PS4 VIP Codes
There are many Borderlands 3 Cheats PS4 that can be very useful while enjoying the game. VIP codes can be also added through the SHiFT / VIP account, allowing you to unlock different points. These points can be used to unlock a wide set of rewards that would improve your gaming experience. Take into account that some of these codes may expire over time and you would have to add them again.
- IGNVIP (Vault / 250 points)
- FIGHT4SANCTUARY (E-mail / 250 points)
- JOYPUKE (E-mail / 250 points)
- LOADINGBARD (Vault / 250 points)
- BL3ATE3 (E-mail / 250 points)
- GAMEVIP (Vault / 250 points)
- LOOTLOOTLOOT (E-mail / 250 points)
- BL3REVEAL (E-mail / 100 points)
- BL3WELCOME (E-mail / 250 points)
- 2KLOVE (E-mail / 500 points)
- HEYSUGAR (E-mail / 250 points)
- CLAPTASTIC (E-mail / 250 points)
- COHHVIP (Creator / 250 points)
- SOHAPPYTOGETHER (E-mail / 250 points)
- PWR2PLYRS (Vault / 250 points)
- MYMAIN (E-mail / 250 points)
- ONTHEHUNT (E-mail / 250 points)
- POWERUPE-mail (E-mail / 250 points)
- LESSTHANTHREE (E-mail / 250 points)
- MAYHEM (Vault / 250 points)
- FRESHBOOTY (E-mail / 250 points)
- DASHERZ (E-mail / 250 points)
- BUILDURSQUAD (E-mail / 250 points)
- JVMVIP (Vault / 250 points)
- OVERCLOCKED (E-mail / 250 points)
- FORTNITEXMAYHEM (E-mail / 250 points)
- BOLVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- ALLYOURGAMESVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- YOURGAMEZONEVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- INTERTOYSVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- MEDIAMARKTVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- GAMEMANIAVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- NEDGAMEVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- PLAYERONEVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- ABCEASYAS123 (E-mail / 250 points)
- DUCTTAPEMOD (E-mail / 250 points)
- MADSKILLZ (E-mail / 250 points)
- ITSHERE (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- JABBER (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- ALMOSTTHERE (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- DOKTORFROID-BL3LAUNCH (Creator / 200 points)
- AIRLEMAGVIP (Vault / 250 points)
- UNBLINKINGEYE (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- DREAMLANDVIP (Vault / 100 points)
- EARLYACCESS (Creator / 500 points)
- OVERONEBILLION (E-mail / 250 points)
- OVERABILLION (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- PS4MAYHEM (E-mail / 500 points)
- DONTFORGET (E-mail / 1,000 points)
- ALLABOARD (E-mail / 250 points)
- THEBORDERLANDSAREWILD (Vault / 500 points)
- WDEMONSTER (E-mail / 250 points)
- DIGISTRUCT (Vault / 250 points)
- ALLBORDERLANDSALLDAY (E-mail / 250 points)
- ITSBEEN (Vault / 250 points)
- MYCHILIRECIPE (Vault / 250 points)
- RISENGRIND (Vault / 250 points)
- CAOSENMGW (Vault / 500 points)
How To Duplicate Weapons and Items In-Game?
It is possible to duplicate both items and weapons in this game. In order to do so, create a second account and add it to the friend’s list you have. If you have a friend that can help you and is already in your friend’s list this will also work.
The first thing you need to do is to place the weapons and items that you want to duplicate in your inventory. It is worth mentioning that these items cannot be equipped if you want to duplicate them.
Now, you need to back up your saved game. Open the PS4 settings, go to Application Saved Data Management and press Copy to USB or PS+Cloud. Immediately after, load up the game and in the pause menu select Social, press Mail and send an email. After it, select the item, choose the recipient and confirm the mail.
After you have done that, leave the game application, copy the saved game from the second step and the users will have a copy of the items. You can now send the items as many times as desired if you repeat the previous steps.
Activating Mayhem Mode
So as to unlock the Mayhem mode you will have to create the story. You will see that the enemies are stronger but you will also have better weapons. The Mayhem mode has three different levels and each of them will be more difficult than the one before.
Get Easy and Fast Money During The Game
If you want to get easy money, this will be useful after the completion of the game. You can start playing Mayhem III offline, however, this will not work if you disconnect it from the internet and you start playing offline.
Start in Sanctuary and move to the Mayhem Board from where you will move forward to other parts of the map, no matter where. After you return to Sanctuary, all the money payouts at the slot machines will be $1,000 larger. If you play, you can get around $500,000 in funds, but be sure that you have some money to play in these machines before trying to do so.
Infinite Money
Before doing anything, you will have to back up the saved game file using the steps mentioned in the ‘How To Duplicate Weapons and Items In-Game?’ section. In the Splitscreen mode press Square on another player and start trading. Give them the many and most valuable items. You can copy back the backup you have and save the game. If you do so several times, you can have as much money as desired.
How To Get Legendary Weapons Easily?
Before starting with this process, you need to be sure that you are disconnected from the internet and that you deleted all the patches of the game. Otherwise, this trick will not work. Move forward in the game and reach Jakobs Estate on Eden 6.
You will find that the farm will be even better when you finish the story and play in Mayhem III. Before the bridge to the Servant’s Lift zone, you will see a New-U Station. Activate it when you pass close to it considering farming will be easier and faster.
Before entering Servant’s Lift there will be a Loot Tink which will always respawn. Many other Loot Tinks could appear in this area. After defeating the Loot Tink you will have to loot the backpack on the ground for additional loot. Once you finish with this, exit to the menu and reload to respawn at the New-U Station next to the bridge.
You can follow this process many times according to your needs. Moreover, if you play with the Mayhem III you will have the chance of getting several Legendary weapons, so be sure you use that!
Getting Easy Eridium and Legendary Weapons
Go to Carnivora on Pandora. You will see that there are multiple large chests and Eridium chests that will be spawning in different locations. One of them will be on the rooftop to the left, ahead from the entrances. Another one will be inside an open container on the right.
Run through another causeway to a sign and search on the left for this Eridium chest. You can also have a chest from the sign. If you exit to the menu and reload on the New-U Station you can do so many times and move forward in-game.
Moreover, once you spawn in the Voracious Canopy zone on Eden 6, you can go straight and stay to the left. That would take you to an area with a respawn machine that can get activated by getting close to it. If you go to the right side you will see a hole next to the rocks. In this cave, you will be able to get a lot of Eridium Crystals. If you follow this in Mayhem mode, you will get even more Eridium.
Getting One Pump Chump Legendary Weapon
In order to get the One Pump Chump weapon you will have to enter Lectra City from Meridian Metroplex. The One Pump Chump weapon is a shotgun that is very powerful and it kills most of the enemies that will appear in your way with just a shot. Moreover, it has a 50% chance of not consuming ammo when it fires.
Once you are in Lectra City move straight to the ‘Proof of Wife’ mission location. After it, go to the bottom of the staircase where you can go forward and stay to the left wall. Move to the alleyway where you will see a chainlink fence on the left side where there are some switches. You will have to activate the switches and turn on all the TVs.
However, you need to follow the next sequence: Press the button on the left, turn the wheel on the right, pull the lever to the right of the wheel and pull the lever on the left. After the TVs are open, the One Punch enemy will appear, but be careful because he can kill you with just a hit. If you defeat him you will have a chance to get the One Pump Chump weapon.
Extreme Hangin’ Chadd Weapon
To get the Extreme Hanging’ Chadd weapon you will have to complete the ‘Swamp Bro’ mission. You will have this mission in Reliance on Eden 6. The Hangin’ Chadd weapon does not use ammo or overheat.
Find Rick and Morty (Wick & Warty Easter Egg)
You will encounter two bandit characters that look very similar to Rick and Morty from the Rick and Morty TV show. You will see them in Lectra City, which is not mandatory in the game. If you wait on Sanctuary III, you may be able to do to ‘Kill Wick & Warty’ mission. If you defeat them, you may get a random Legendary weapon.
Getting Trophies
If you complete the following tasks you will get a trophy:
Zer0ed In (Bronze): Defeat all of Zer0’s Targets of Opportunity.
Barreled Right Over Them (Bronze): Kill an enemy with an exploding barrel.
Feelin’ A Little Stabby (Bronze): Kill an enemy, knifing them with a gun blade.
Stick It To ‘Em (Bronze): Kill two or more enemies with a single sticky grenade.
On Fleek (Bronze): Equip purple-rated gear or better in every slot.
Rewards Card (Bronze): Earn a Loyalty Package from each weapon manufacturer.
Ultimate Vault Hunter (Platinum): Unlock all Borderlands 3 trophies.
You Got Skills (Bronze): Reach level 2.
Star Bound (Bronze): Reach level 10.
Vaulting Your Way To The Top (Bronze): Reach level 25.
Biggest Badass In The Borderlands (Silver): Reach level 50.
Bolt-Ons (Silver): Unlock 10 Character Heads or Skins.
Mechani-Cool (Silver): Unlock 10 Vehicle Parts via hijacking.
My Name Is Earl (Bronze): Buy 20 cosmetic items from Crazy Earl.
Tales From The Eridian Slab (Bronze): Decipher all of the Eridian Slabs.
Slaughterhouse 3 (Bronze): Complete all the Circles of Slaughter.
A Hundred Names For Sand (Silver): Discover all named locations on Pandora.
Swamped (Silver): Discover all named locations on Eden-6.
City Slicker (Silver): Discover all named locations on Promethea.
Master Of All You Survey (Silver): Discover all named locations.
À La Carte (Bronze): Complete 20 Side Missions.
Getting A Little On The Side (Gold): Complete all Side Missions.
100-Proof (Silver): Clear all the Eridian Proving Grounds.
Got Big Game (Bronze): Defeat all of Hammerlock’s Legendary Hunts.
Tips Appreciated (Bronze): Tip Moxxi.
I Hope You Didn’t Tea-bag (Bronze): Win a duel.
Stay Away From The Light (Bronze): Revive another player.
Gun Pals! (Bronze): Send an item to a friend.
Dropping Loads (Bronze): Win a live grenade at a Slot Machine.
Good Against Remotes Is One Thing (Bronze): Get a perfect score at the Firing Range on any difficulty.
Apocalypso! (Bronze): Complete mission “The Great Vault”.
I Am A Goddess, A Glorious Female Warrior (Bronze): Complete mission “In the Shadow of Starlight”.
Bye, Felicia! (Silver): Complete mission “Divine Retribution”.
Florida Man (Bronze): Down yourself by grenade or explosion.
Stay Golden (Bronze): Use a Golden Key.
Damn, Gina (Gold): Get all Vault Rewards.
Exoarchaeolo—You Get The Gist (Silver): Discover all named locations on Nekrotafeyo.
Welcome to the Crimson Raiders (Bronze): Complete mission “Children of the Vault”.
So Long, Pandora! (Bronze): Complete mission “Taking Flight”.
NOG It Off (Bronze): Complete mission “Hostile Takeover”.
I Mustache You A Question (Bronze): Complete mission “Atlas, At Last”.
Gone From My Sight (Bronze): Complete mission “Beneath the Meridian”.
That Was Cold (Bronze): Complete mission “Lair of the Harpy”.
Heir To An Empty Castle (Bronze): Complete mission “Cold as the Grave”.
Cross The Streamers (Bronze): Complete mission “Blood Drive”.
Getting Boss Legendary Weapons
If you defeat these bosses you will get these Legendary weapons:
The Graveward – Vault, Eden-6
Grave: Legendary shield.
Ward: Legendary shield.
Troy Calypso – The Great Vault, Pandora
Double Penetrating Occultist: Rocket launcher pistol.
Pestilent Faisor: Rifle with an energy shotgun alt-fire.
Tyreen Calypso – Destroyer’s Rift, Pandora
Queen’s Call: Critical hit spawns tracking projectiles.
King’s Call: Critical hit spawns tracking projectiles.
Mouthpiece – Ascension Bluff, Pandora
Mind Killer Shotgun: Shoots dubstep beams.
Gigamand – Meridia Metroplex, Promethea
Smart G.U.N. XXL: SMG that can spawn a brain turret.
Captain Truant – Athenas
Conference Call: Powerful shotgun with pellets that split into more pellets on impact.
Polybus: Shotgun that fires pellets in a unique grid pattern.
Katagawa Ball – Skydeck-27, Promethea
Tsunami: Legendary SMG.
Katagawa Jr. – Atlas HQ, Promethea
Firestorm: Legendary sniper rifle.
The Rampager – Forgotten Basilica, Promethea
Quadomizer: Four-projectile rocket launcher.
The Warden – The Anvil, Eden-6
Annexed Jericho: Rocket launcher that fires grenade-like projectiles that release more smaller explosions.
Freeman: Remote control rocket launcher that follows your cursor.
Billy, The Anointed – Jakobs Estate, Eden-6
Lead Sprinkler: Assault rifle that fires arching bullets that split into multiple projectiles on impact.
GenIVIV – The Family Jewels, Eden-6
Messy Breakup: Unique shield that spawns a shield drone that follows you around.
Aurelia – Jakobs Estate, Eden-6
Frozen Heart: Shield that generates a cryogenic Nova blast that returns 30% damage to your HP.
Creative Ideas for Best Technology Instagram Post 2024

Are you facing difficulty in engaging your audience with tech posts on Instagram? As social media platforms have transformed into virtual marketplaces, brands recognize the need to showcase expertise through engaging content.
Platforms like Instagram empower connecting with worldwide audiences through captivating visual stories. But, it is quite a daunting task to work and many move ahead to buy Instagram followers as well.
Contemporary consumers scarcely have time for promotion lacking substance. Hence, creatives demand integrating education with entertainment for intrinsically motivating connections. This is why in this post, we discuss top ideas for your tech-posts on Instagram. Read on.
Top Instagram Post Ideas for Technology in 2024
There are many creative and unique ways to catch attention for your technology posts on Instagram. Below we discuss some of the most popular ones that can certainly get all eyes on you.
I. Using Tech Products as Props
Showcasing the ergonomic elegance of newest smartphones through lifestyle photos depicting them harmonizing with modern interiors signifies how technologies enhance lives unobtrusively.
Flat lays carefully arranging phones alongside complementary gadgets like smartwatches and earbuds exhibits compatible accessories apt for varied tasks. Close-up shots exploring interesting details on laptops or cameras from unique angles pique curiosity towards innovative engineering.
Illustrations envisioning people multitasking efficiently through integration of different devices tells stories audiences relate to. Including props within realistic settings displays practical applications beyond technical specifications.
II. Behind the Scenes Photos of Tech
Sneak peeks hinting at cutting-edge features of anticipated device launches grant exclusivity while cultivating hype. Well-lit workplace photographs portray engineers concentrating on prototyping components and inspire admiration.
Snapshots capturing programming teams collaborating wirelessly on interactive whiteboards through mobile apps demonstrate streamlined productivity. Infographics adorning clean designs simplify explaining complex algorithms behind facial recognition or data analytics in accessible language.
Short videos taking viewers inside futuristic factories reveal meticulous manufacturing processes with a sense of intimacy.
III. Infusing Tech with Humor
Lighthearted memes humorously portraying predictable reactions to everyday tech troubles provide comic relief to stressful scenarios. Relatable situations humorously presented divert from serious sales pitches.
Personified tech objects in comical misadventures amuse audiences through humanizing technology. Satires skewering society’s obsession with smartphones in a tongue-in-cheek manner encourages shares to spread smiles. When infused judiciously, humor aids connection by sparking emotions beyond sales.
IV. Showcasing the Human Side of Tech
Introducing changemakers through portraits celebrating their groundbreaking work nurtures admiration. Profiles highlighting individuals transforming lives through accessible education technologies promote empowerment.
Environmental initiatives leveraging automation to offset carbon footprints brings a humanistic face to sustainability efforts. Impactful community projects excelling through connectivity showcase technology uplifting society versus solely profit motives.
Sensitively showcasing stories of overcoming challenges strengthens bonds between brands and audiences.
V. Visual Presentations of Tech Topics
Creative arrangements of flat lays showcasing virtual or mixed reality controllers provides an experiential feel of the immersive tech itself. Sequential photos arranged like puzzle pieces or in grids present complex technical concepts through visual storytelling.
Infographics leveraging minimalist aesthetics simplify explaining blockchain or cloud computing. Illustrations personifying IoT appliances in a “day in life” routine brings relatability to innovations perceived as complex. Data visualizations comparing tech trends succinctly impart industry insights.
VI. Leveraging Trending Tech Themes
Imaginative demonstrations of artificial intelligence streamlining lives pique intrigue towards groundbreaking research. Showcasing developments in robotics, VR or internet of things solving pressing issues cultivates social purpose beyond sales.
Highlighting startups leveraging cutting-edge innovations attracts investors and talent. Curated reels condensing key takeaways from tech summits grant exclusive access. Tactical hashtags around concepts ranging from 5G to cybersecurity optimize discovery of relevant audiences worldwide.
Unique Ways To Boost Engagement
With competition so fierce, it becomes difficult to keep your audience engaged with your post. Below we discuss some essential tips that can make things easy for you. Take a look:
● Researching Optimized Hashtags
Analyzing hashtag clusters witnessing frequent usages around niche conversations aids discovering appropriate tags aligning with targeted audiences. Careful hashtagging aids discoverability and spreads messages to receptive crowds naturally.
● Optimizing Images For Social Formats
Adjusting photos to square dimensions suitable for Instagram feeds and story formats preserves visual quality and context. Proper sizing and cropping focuses viewer attention on essential elements.
● Scheduling Around Peak Engagement Timings
Identifying timing patterns of highest follower activities through analytics aids posting when most eyeballs will likely notice new updates. Repurposing top performing content as story highlights retains visibility.
● Reviewing Engagement And Follower Insights
Regularly evaluating metrics like likes, comments, saves and follower growth rates aids comprehending reception and refining strategies. Tracking identified hashtag or location based communities’ interests guides customized content.
● Partnering With Key Influencers
Reaching wider audiences through cross-promotional shoutouts with popular domain figures expands networks. Collaborations establishing brand authority through third party endorsements bolster credibility.
Final Thoughts
In summary, effectively leveraging visual creativity fueled by data-driven decisions establishes technology companies, alongside support from a dedicated social media growth agency like Thunderclap.it, as thought leaders amid competition on platforms like Instagram.
Consistency, authenticity, and nurturing communities through meaningful interactions are crucial for driving organic visibility and achieving superior returns on social media. While maintaining technical excellence is essential, emotionally connecting with audiences through social missions and humor helps build a loyal following and fosters trust in this experience-driven world.
Exploring the Steps in the Proposal Automation Process

In a fast-paced business environment, efficiency is key to staying ahead of the competition. Proposal automation offers a strategic advantage by streamlining the creation of documents that are vital to winning new business. By automating routine tasks, companies can focus more on the substance and strategy of their proposals. Understanding how it works and the significant improvements it can bring to your business operations is essential. Below, we delve into this process and discuss everything you need to know about optimizing your proposal automation process.
Understanding the Foundation of Proposal Automation
At its core, proposal automation is about enhancing productivity and consistency within the process of creating proposals. By leveraging technology, it replaces the traditional, manual method of drafting documents with a more streamlined, error-proof approach. This transition includes the use of templates, content libraries, and customized data inputs to ensure each proposal is tailored, yet produced with greater speed and accuracy.
For newcomers, understanding the foundation is crucial before implementation. This involves grasping the basics of how automated systems manage data, apply business logic, and produce finalized documents. It’s essential to ensure that your team is well-versed with the system and that all relevant content is digitized and made accessible to the automation software.
Key Benefits of Implementing Proposal Automation
Proposal automation systems offer a multitude of benefits, the most prominent being the drastic reduction in time spent drafting proposals. Employees are freed from repetitive formatting tasks, allowing them to devote more time to strategic functions such as market analysis and personalized client engagement which can significantly influence the success of a proposal.
Error reduction is another major advantage of automating the proposal process. With standardized templates and centralized content management, inconsistencies are minimized, and the risk of outdated information being included is significantly reduced. This elevates the professionalism and credibility of each proposal generated.
Essential Features to Look for in Proposal Automation Tools
Choosing the right proposal automation tools is essential for achieving the desired efficiency and effectiveness. The most valuable feature to look for in such a tool is a robust content library. This allows for quick access to the most current and relevant pieces of content and data necessary for crafting a compelling proposal.
Integration capability is another crucial feature. The tool should be able to integrate seamlessly into the existing technology ecosystem of your organization, including CRM platforms, to facilitate smooth workflows and information exchange. This ensures that sales and proposal teams work with the latest client information and reduce duplication of efforts.
Step-by-Step Guide to the Proposal Automation Workflow
The journey of automating your proposal process starts with the initial setup of the proposal automation tool. This involves configuring the system with your company’s templates, content, and workflows. A key aspect here is to ensure that the templates accommodate various proposal scenarios and that the content library is organized and tagged for easy retrieval.
Next, the tool is integrated with other enterprise systems such as CRM software, ensuring that data flows continuously and accurately between platforms. This step is crucial for maintaining up-to-date content in the proposals and for personalizing them with client-specific data.
Measuring Success and ROI in Proposal Automation Initiatives
To truly understand the impact of proposal automation, it’s important to measure its success and return on investment (ROI). One of the most straightforward metrics to monitor is the reduction in the time required to generate proposals. Noticing a considerable decrease here is often the first sign that the automation is effective.
Another valuable indicator is the quality and consistency of proposals. With fewer errors and greater adherence to company branding, the professionalism conveyed in each proposal can lead to better client perceptions and a higher win rate. Monitoring feedback and win rates can give concrete evidence of the system’s effectiveness.
Accumulator Bet – Guide to Australian Online Sports Betting

Accumulator bet is very much popular with bettors. It allows you to combine the odds of multiple selections to achieve a greater payout if your predictions are successful.
While accumulator bets may seem complicated at first glance, they are actually fairly simple. After reading this guide, you’ll be able to use it for your Australian online sports betting: https://nomini.com/au/sport.
You’ll soon find out what an accumulator bet is, how it works, and what different types of this bet exist.
What Is an Accumulator Bet?
An accumulator bet is also known as parlay. It is a type of wager that is made up by combining multiple bets into one selection.
Let’s say that you wanted to make an accumulator on multiplier football games. In this case, you could pick five teams to win their respective games in one accumulator.
As you are combining different odds, and effectively multiplying them with each other, an accumulator bet will pay out a much higher return than if you were to bet on your choices as separate selections.
This is because all of your choices must be successful for your bet to win.
As all the betting options are combined to achieve a greater value in total stake, if just one of your picks loses, the whole accumulator bet will lose too, so there is an increased risk when placing this sort of bet.
However, it can also enhance your Australian online sports betting experience and make wagering extra fun.
Some of the most popular sports you can make accumulator bets on are football, basketball, hockey, and horse racing.
However, you should keep in mind that some sportsbooks might prevent you from combining multiple other bets into one accumulator.
Also, please note that a second bet on multiple selections from, for example, the same game of soccer, is not an accumulator bet – this would be a same game multi or multiplier, which is a totally different type of bet.
Accumulator Bet Explained in Detail
As you can see, an accumulator bet isn’t too complicated. Now we’ll use horse racing as an example to demonstrate how to use it best for your Australian online sports betting.
Let’s say you are presented with a race card for a meeting that contains six races. You can choose to pick a selection from all six races, or from just four, (you can also pick one selection of just two horses, known as a ‘Double’, or three horses, known as a ‘Treble’).
Depending on the race, you can choose the horse that you believe will win.
You will then combine all of these selections into one bet to build a total profit for your accumulator.
Because you are combining the odds for each of these horses to win, you are increasing the amount of money you could win, but also increasing the risk of at least one bet losing which will mean your accumulator loses too.
What Are the Different Types of Accumulator Bets?
As a rule, this type of bet consists of 4 or more selections, with many bookmakers allowing up to 20 selections.
Combining two bets into one bet is known as a ‘Double’, whilst combining three bets is called a ‘Treble’.
When you have four selections in one parlay bet, this is known as a ‘Four-fold”. Five bets in one parlay are called a ‘Five-fold’, and so on.
Each-Way Accumulator Bet
While an accumulator bet is very attractive for bettors, there is a high risk that the first bet won’t win, as there can be so many elements that need to be successful for the bet to win big.
However, some of that risk can be eased by placing bets on an each-way accumulator.
This Australian online sports betting option is particularly popular when betting on horse racing, as there are usually more options to choose from when trying to pick a winner.
Here, the idea is to give the bettor a better chance of winning if one of the horses fails to win, but still manages to place 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.
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