
5 Tips to Choosing the Best Gaming monitor

5 Tips to Choosing the Best Gaming monitor

Whether you consider yourself a true hardcore gamer or just as a casual hobbyist, getting a powerful build for your desktop computer should always be the first step that you should take in order for you to take your gaming experience into the next level. From top-notch graphics cards, advanced processors, and quality monitors, every component must meet the minimum gaming standards for you to avoid experiencing lags, frozen screen, crashes, and other performance issues in the future.

Almost every gamer in the world know exactly how it feels to encounter problems with their computers in the middle of a crucial game. That is why it is important to get only the best hardware for your gaming needs. Choosing the perfect gaming monitor pretty much depends on your personal preferences, budget, and your gaming habits. But regardless of these minor differences, everybody surely wants a monitor that can deliver a smooth and immersive gaming experience that is free from all those blurs and flickers. Read more about the five tips for choosing the best gaming monitor and never let those poor graphics affect your game ever again.

Pay attention to the refresh rate and response times

These two properties are both important points to consider when buying a monitor for gaming, although they should not be confused with each other. Refresh rate refers to how frequent a new frame loads up on the screen while the response time involves the rate at which the display updates the image. The recommended requirements for the refresh rate is around 120 Hz. But you can still opt for at least 60 Hz if you get a response rate of 2 ms or less.

Get the right size

While it is always a great experience to play with large displays, you should also take into account the capability of your hardware. Wider screens have higher resolutions which require more powerful hardware to be able to render images fast and smooth.

Choose between LCD and LED

The difference between LCD and LED screens is not easy to miss especially when they are used for gaming. LCD monitors usually provide the best screen resolutions and color accuracy, while LED monitors provide better image quality and consume less power than the other types.

Check the features

If you are planning to use the hardware to connect to other gaming consoles, you might as well pick the best gaming monitor equipped with video input for PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, and others. Consider those that have ports for HDMI and USB devices, to accommodate controllers, mice, external storage devices, and more. Built-in speakers and cameras help you enhance your gaming experience and save desktop space as well, while a monitor stand can help you adjust your viewing angle at to your maximum comfort.

Know the price

Upon assessing the screen resolution, response rate, frame rate, technology, and other extra features, you can get an idea of the price that you will be paying for. Regular monitors range from $100 to $500 in price while large UHD monitors, equipped with the latest display technology and other features, can cost around $2000 or more.