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DotA 2 Release Date Announced!



Dota 2 (or the full name Defense of the Ancients 2), the sequel for the extremely popular DotA game will be released in 2011, according to an official posting on the game’s official website. Below you can read some of the information about the game:

“Dota began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. Following in the tradition of Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress, Portal, and Alien Swarm, Dota 2 is the result of Valve hiring the community developers who built the mod and giving them the chance to finally build a full product out of their idea with the help of a professional team of developers and artists at Valve.”

Valve will of course bring a lot of cool features and improvements to DotA 2 such as skill-based match making (therefore, newbies won’t be hated by the hardcore, experienced players anymore and matches will be well balanced). Of course, there are more surpises to be announced, so be on the lookout for even more DotA 2 details by 2011!

How do you feel about the release of a new game in the DotA series?

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  1. Barnz

    November 6, 2010 at 9:47 am

    The full name is not Defense of the Ancients 2. Valve avoided that to prevent any lawsuits.

    It is simply Dota 2.

    As for the Dota genre, Dota 2 might be the one to wrest away the crown from Heroes of Newerth.

  2. Gideon

    November 17, 2010 at 6:54 am

    Heroes of Newerth sucks. It’s a crappy version of DoTA. I would rather install War3 again than play Newerth. LoL all the way.

  3. Khaladun

    November 19, 2010 at 2:22 am

    Yes HoN has fallen from the top shelf QUITE a while ago. League of Legends has taken the lead and has actually won quite a healthy # of awards this year, GDC, Golden Joystic, etc. DOTA 2 is going to be QUITE hard pressed to knock these guys out.

  4. TheTurtleKing

    November 22, 2010 at 7:52 am

    Dota 2 will most definitely take the top spot.

    most, if not all, DotA fans simply want the exact same game with an updated engine.. which in terms of gameplay, is exactly what Dota 2 is.

    Valve’s improvements focused more on graphics and community interaction than gameplay..

    make no mistake, the great majority of this genre play DotA still. Add to that the fact that some of HoN’s and LoL’s players will also at the very least try Dota 2 as well.

  5. perm

    January 19, 2011 at 1:19 am

    HoN is far from crown. League of Legends has been doin it big for the past year or so.

  6. Epsil

    January 22, 2011 at 6:24 am

    There is still a large playerbase on the wc3 mod of DotA, and quite a large amount of them prefer DotA to LoL or HoN. But the fact of the matter is that while they are all “Action RTS”, LoL and HoN are now going in different directions.

    LoL (IMO) is a very simplified version of the DotA style of game. The spell and item variation doesn’t differ as much as it did in wc3 DotA because the developers seem to strive for a balanced, simple game for users to enjoy.
    I’m not criticising it.
    LoL is also Free To Play, which increases accessibility which does seem to be LoL’s main concern. They also release regular youtube videos depicting new heroes and occasionally developer messages. So it does seem that their game is more community friendly.

    I don’t have a large experience with HoN but some of my friends tell me that while it was originally very similar to DotA, the gameplay is slowly moving towards a more gank/nuke based game. I don’t know if this is true, and though it is a difference, it does leave it relatively close to the DotA game.

    I do believe DotA 2 will probably take ‘the crown’ of the action RTS.
    LoL has done admirably in my opinion to make quite a different game which is still appealing. But many players didn’t want a variation, they wanted a sequel. And it seems IceFrog is bringing that to them.

    And with him, Steam brings a stronger, dedicated game engine, matchmaking, coaching (A very good addition) and a supposedly community based point system that has an effect on your game. (They haven’t released much info on it)

    And whilst there is some debate as to who ‘owns’ DotA, (Guinsoo/ Blizzard / Icefrog), Blizzard has essentially ‘ok’d the name “DOTA 2” instead of DotA 2 *due to strong relations with valve company-wise* and this same change counters any claims Guinsoo has to the name.

    Either way, Icefrog has been developing it for ages now, as far as I’m concerned it’s his game.

  7. U dumbass

    February 11, 2011 at 10:20 pm

    You moron u do relize that they wont be sued because the person who made and matians dota is actually helping make the game u do know that right? the name will be defense of the ancients two but nobody wants to type that (cept me) so they just calling it Dota 2 dota 2 is going to be awesome and i cnt wait to buy it

  8. hahahahaha

    February 23, 2011 at 10:51 pm

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH im laughing cuz “U dumbass” is actually the dumbass and his assumption of why they are naming it dota 2 is completely wrong. anyways HAHAHAH

  9. doin ur mom

    March 2, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    go fukurself u pathitc noob , LOL suck balls ,and dota has an old engine like ur moms ass go l2p then talk

  10. hey ho

    March 11, 2011 at 11:52 am

    you should firstky play hon before saying that is a dump.hon is a very improved version of dota.but if dota 2 comes then hon 3 comes cause some guys have paid 30 dollars…

  11. orges

    March 13, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    its not just dotA 2 its Defense of the Ancients 2 retard ice frog and his staff created you can look at the loading of the map :@

  12. rofll

    March 22, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    hon sucks? rofl i can’t wait to spank you LOL scrubs when dota 2 comes out

  13. NOOBS

    March 26, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    If they don’t match the storyline as well as the game play to league of legends, then don’t bother releasing this crap. OH yeah, if it’s not free you can go to hell too. League of Legends all the way.

  14. Blabla

    March 29, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Retarded people ?

    Hon is much better than warcraft 3 dota gameplay, and LoL is really the worst game of all time .. but DOTA 2 will be awesome indeed

  15. salam

    April 15, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    when dota 2 comes out, LoL may still secure some of their playerbase but I dont think anyone will continue to play a basic clone (HoN) when its original and improved version (dota2) released.

  16. PaPa Roach

    April 17, 2011 at 8:54 am

    either way lets wait for the results of DOTA2
    if the gameplay sucks then i will still warcraft 3

  17. the truth

    June 11, 2011 at 10:18 am

    LoL = poor kids stuff
    HoN = started great but now falling into void
    Dota2 = will takeover
    sadness = poor african kid


    June 15, 2011 at 11:02 am


  19. LeagueofHon

    July 1, 2011 at 3:28 am

    LOl owns everything till now… i would love to see a new “dota” type game which overtake lol ..Sounds intersting …

  20. Rikku@TIT-FOR-TAT

    July 15, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    In my oppinion LoL is far greater as a community based game but id like to see some changes to the general disposition of players that dont think one bit of teamplay (in all Dota-based games) enjoy the play, make friends and dont complain soo much(enjoy the ride)

    Big “cheer” to ice frog for this wish it wouldn’t be so hard to make it F2P dont be greedy.

    ps.really make it count guys^^

  21. Rikku@TIT-FOR-TAT

    July 15, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    In my oppinion LoL is far greater as a community based game but id like to see some changes to the general disposition of players that dont think one bit of teamplay (in all Dota-based games) enjoy the play, make friends and dont complain soo much(enjoy the ride)

    Big “cheer” to ice frog for this wish it wouldn’t be so hard to make it F2P dont be greedy.

    ps.really make it count guys^^.

  22. Rikku@TIT-FOR-TAT

    July 15, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    sry double post wont happen again

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4 Popular Myths To Avoid While Entering Rabona




4 Popular Myths To Avoid While Entering Rabona

Some players have a firm belief that online casino software is set up against them. Sometimes such players can be convincing and make beginners to believe in the myth that it’s possible to reset the program and start winning against the operator’s wishes. But it has been proven hundreds of times that all winnings at Rabona are controlled by a random number generator, and no strategy can influence it. But these “winning tips,” strangely enough, continue to captivate players. Let’s look at the 4 myths about how, in the opinion of players, you can “restart the software” in the casino.

Resetting The System

Perhaps one of the most popular myths is the software reset. At a certain moment, which most often occurs when losing, players reload the system to break the streak of unsuccessful spins.

This logic is based on the misconception that casino software takes previous rounds into account and if the game has “given” everything and started to “take,” then it’s worth reloading it to reset the program and again enter the winning phase. This can go so far that the user reloads the client after a few empty spins.

The result of the game is saved in history; this is a fact. But it’s needed for completely different purposes, like checking for a fairly completed bonus. But the RNG at Rabona doesn’t care how often the client is reloaded. It generates a result based on complete randomness, and these results don’t depend on each other.

Alternating Games In The Casino

Another popular and extremely wrong statement is that you need to change slots during a session. Allegedly, casino software recognizes the tactics you are playing according to and starts fighting them so that the player loses.

What conclusion follows from this? You need to change games more frequently because the system cannot know which slot the player will choose next, which means there is a chance to spin another hundred spins on another game until the system finds it again.

If this were true, then any player would have enough for a few hours to go to the salon for a new car. After all, the Rabona lobby has over 1,000 games, and if each one “gives” wins at least the first five minutes, the online casino would have long ceased to exist.

Believing In The “Newbie” Phenomenon

Regular players are used to losing; they perfectly understand what variance is and that, in the long run, the casino will still end up winning. The “newbie” phenomenon is that the software is supposedly set up in such a way that it recognizes a new player, gives him an excellent winning streak, drawing him into the gameplay, and throws him into a tough downswing.

If this myth were true, then it could be easily abused. Why not play only at the moment of “luring,” and when the losing spins start, stop and withdraw the winnings? And then you should just go to another casino.

The RNG doesn’t care who you are: a beginner or a professional player who has been betting at Rabona for a while. It forms a random win for everyone, clearly not paying attention to the date of user registration.

Winning Only On Demos

Sometimes you can find such player reviews: “When I was playing on demos, I was winning. But when I started playing for money, I lost everything. The casino is cheating!”. This myth claims that the casino allows gamblers to win on virtual chips to attract them, and when they make a deposit, the program changes and it’s no longer possible to win anything.

It’s worth looking a little deeper. When a player launches a slot in demo mode, he doesn’t count his chips; he just spins the reels without even paying attention to empty spins. He waits and notices only the win. And who will be interested in spinning slots for $0.10 chips? It’s more interesting to bet $100 on a spin! And the higher the bet, the correspondingly higher the multiplier and the larger the win. When the player plays for real money, his style changes. He will no longer litter with such ill-considered bets. Training games and playing for money differ only in the player’s perception. As for the technical part, there can be no difference between the modes in honest and licensed online casinos.

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Betting Made Easy: Why 1Win App is a Game-Changer for South African Punters




Betting Made Easy: Why 1Win App is a Game-Changer for South African Punters

In the fast-paced world of online betting, the 1Win app emerges as a front-runner, captivating South African punters with its sleek design and user-friendly interface. Coveted for its extensive range of betting options, from sports events spanning the globe to thrilling casino games, 1Win caters to every taste and preference.

What sets it apart is not just the breadth of its offerings but the depth of its features live betting, instant withdrawals, and generous bonuses. For bettors in South Africa looking for a seamless and engaging betting experience, 1Win is not just another app; it’s a comprehensive solution tailored to meet their specific needs and desires.

Comprehensive Offerings of 1Win App

The 1Win app stands out in the competitive world of online betting by providing an all-encompassing platform that caters to every type of bettor in South Africa. At the heart of its offerings is a vast selection of sports betting opportunities, covering everything from football and cricket to basketball and esports.

Fans of live action will find the live betting feature particularly enticing, allowing them to place a  1Win bet on ongoing matches with real-time odds updates. Beyond the sports arena, 1Win also boasts an impressive array of casino games, including slots, table games, and live dealer experiences, catering to the tastes of traditional casino enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Adding to its appeal are the user-centric features such as easy navigation, swift withdrawals, and robust customer support. The app also frequently rewards its users with generous bonuses and promotions, enhancing the overall 1Win sports betting experience. Whether you’re a seasoned punter or new to the scene, the 1Win app delivers a tailored and thrilling betting experience right at your fingertips.

How to Download the 1Win App on Android Devices

Downloading and installing the 1Win app on Android devices is a straightforward process designed to get South African users betting quickly and easily. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Visit the 1Win Website: Open your Android device’s browser and go to the official 1Win site. The 1Win Android app isn’t on Google Play due to restrictions on betting apps.
  2. Download the App: Look for the mobile app section on the site, often in the menu or at the page’s bottom. Find the link to download the 1Win APK. Tap to start the download.
  3. Adjust Settings: Before installing, adjust your Android’s security settings to allow installations from unknown sources. Go to Settings > Security, and enable “Allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store.”
  4. Install the App: Open the downloaded 1Win APK, follow the prompts to install. This should only take a moment.
  5. Register: Open the app after installation. Register or log in. South African users can sign up easily, possibly verifying identity per local rules.
  6. Deposit and Bet: Deposit funds into your 1Win account using various payment methods. Once funded, explore the betting options on 1Win.

Installing the 1Win App on iOS Devices

For South African punters using iOS devices, getting the 1Win app installed on your iPhone or iPad is equally straightforward, ensuring you can jump straight into the action. Follow these simplified steps to download and install the 1Win app from the Apple App Store:

  1. Open the Apple App Store: Unlock your iOS device, launch the App Store, and ensure you’re signed in with your Apple ID.
  2. Search for the 1Win iOS App: Tap the search bar at the bottom, type “1Win,” and hit search. Look for the official 1Win app for a secure betting experience.
  3. Download and Install the App: Tap “Get” next to the app, and it will download and install. You may need to enter your Apple ID password or use Touch/Face ID.
  4. Launch and Register: Find the 1Win app icon, tap to open, and register for a new account. Existing users can log in.
  5. Deposit Funds: Go to ‘Deposit’ to add funds using South African payment methods for a hassle-free transaction.
  6. Start Exploring: Set up your account, explore the betting options like live sports and casino games on the 1Win app. Your next wager is just a few taps away.

Accessing 1Win on Desktop Platforms

While the 1Win app is convenient and mobile-friendly, using 1Win on desktop platforms has its own advantages, especially for South African users. A desktop or laptop provides a broader view of the platform, making it easier to navigate through sports betting options and casino games. The larger display enhances the user experience, simplifying event browsing, live betting, and casino game engagement.

One key difference on the desktop platform is the absence of the need to download software. Users can enter the 1Win website address in their web browser to access their account instantly. This direct access is beneficial for those averse to downloading mobile apps or with limited device storage.

The desktop version of 1Win bookmaker may offer more customer support options, including live chat, easily navigable on a larger screen. Managing account settings, withdrawals, and deposits is more straightforward with the detailed desktop interface.

For South African users, 1Win’s desktop platform delivers a detailed betting experience that complements the app’s convenience. The desktop version provides a reliable way to enjoy everything 1Win offers, from betting to casino games and sportsbook exploration.

Setting Up Your 1Win Account

Creating an account with 1Win is designed to be a straightforward and secure process, particularly for South African residents looking to comply with local betting regulations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your 1Win account and ensuring everything is in order for a smooth betting experience:

  1. Go to Sign-Up Page: Visit 1Win’s website or use the mobile app, and click “Sign Up” to access the registration form.
  2. Provide Necessary Information: Enter basic details like name, email, and phone number accurately for smooth verification.
  3. Create Username and Password: Choose a unique username and a secure yet memorable password to protect your account.
  4. Verify Your Email: Open the email from 1Win after registration and click the verification link to confirm your email.
  5. Complete Identity Verification: Upload required ID documents like SA ID or passport in the account settings to comply with regulations.
  6. Wait for Approval: 1Win will verify your documents, taking a few days. You’ll be notified via email once verified.
  7. Set Deposit Limits (Optional): For responsible gambling, South African users can set deposit limits to manage betting activities wisely.  

Navigating the 1Win App: A User’s Guide

The 1Win app presents a sleek and user-friendly interface tailored to meet the needs of the South African betting market. One of the app’s standout features is its comprehensive range of betting options. Users have the luxury of choosing from a wide array of sports, including football, cricket, rugby, and more, catering to the preferences of the South African audience. Each sport offers various betting markets, such as match outcomes, player performances, and live betting options, providing a dynamic and engaging betting experience.

Account management on the app is seamless and intuitive. Users can easily access their profiles to monitor their betting history, manage transactions, and adjust account settings. The app facilitates quick deposits and withdrawals, supporting several popular payment methods in South Africa. This ensures that users can manage their funds efficiently and securely.

Another commendable aspect of the 1Win app is its dedicated support system. The app incorporates a 24/7 live chat feature, allowing users to instantly connect with customer service representatives for assistance.

Making Deposits

To make a deposit, follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth transaction process:

  1. 1Win login to Your Account: Access the 1Win app and log into your account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Deposit’ Section: Find and select the ‘Deposit’ option within the app’s menu to view the available payment methods.
  3. Choose Your Preferred Payment Method: Select from options like bank transfers, credit/debit cards, e-wallets such as Neteller and Skrill, and even cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  4. Enter Deposit Amount: Specify the amount you wish to deposit. It’s essential to check the minimum and maximum deposit limits for your chosen method.
  5. Confirm the Transaction: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction. Deposits are usually instantaneous, with funds appearing in your account almost immediately.

Requesting Withdrawals

Withdrawing your winnings from the platform is a simple process, though it may require a slightly extended processing time to ensure all transactions are securely handled and completed accurately:

  1. Access Your Account: Log into the 1Win app with your account details.
  2. Go to the ‘Withdrawal’ Section: Locate and click on the ‘Withdrawal’ option in the menu.
  3. Select Withdrawal Method: Choose from the same variety of payment methods used for deposits. It’s advisable to use the same method for both deposits and withdrawals to streamline the process.
  4. Specify Withdrawal Amount: Input the amount you wish to withdraw, adhering to the minimum and maximum limits set for your preferred withdrawal method.
  5. Complete and Confirm the Request: Follow the prompts to finalize your withdrawal request.

Ensuring Safety and Efficiency

To ensure safety and efficiency in managing transactions on the 1Win South Africa users should:

  1. Use secure and reliable internet connections for all financial transactions to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Verify their account fully by completing the identity verification process as detailed in the setup guide to facilitate smoother deposits and withdrawals.
  3. Be aware of the processing times for different payment methods, especially for withdrawals, as these can vary.
  4. Contact customer support through the app’s live chat feature for immediate assistance with any transaction issues or inquiries.

Tips for New Users

For new users in South Africa exploring the 1Win app, seizing available opportunities while betting responsibly can enhance your experience. Here are some valuable tips to guide you:

  1. Maximizing Bonuses: Understand the Terms: Carefully read the terms and conditions of bonuses and promotions, focusing on wagering requirements, validity periods, and applicable betting markets. 
  2. Start Small: Utilize bonuses to get acquainted with the app without risking your own funds. It’s a strategic approach to grasp different betting options and identify your preferences.
  3. Understanding Betting Odds: Learn the Basics: Dedicate time to comprehend how odds function. Remember, odds not only indicate the likelihood of an event occurring, but also influence potential winnings.
  4. Compare Odds: Prior to placing bets, compare odds offered by various platforms for similar events. While the 1Win app typically provides competitive odds, conducting research is worthwhile.
  5. Engaging Responsibly: Set Limits: Employ the responsible gambling tools on the 1Win app to establish deposit, loss, and wager limits, ensuring your betting aligns with a budget you’re comfortable with.
  6. Balance is Key: View betting as entertainment rather than an income source, ensuring it doesn’t compromise your daily obligations or financial well-being.
  7. Educate Yourself: Make use of the educational materials provided on the app. Understanding the intricacies of betting can enhance the experience and potentially increase rewards.
  8. Know When to Stop: If you sense a loss of control, utilize the self-exclusion features offered by the app or seek professional assistance.
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Archero Best Hero: All Heroes, Weapons, Armors & More




Archero game

Archero stands out as a fun action game across multiple mobile titles. Our level list serves as a guide to choosing the best characters, items and weapons, helping players navigate the game’s challenges. Created by Habby, Archero emphasizes skill and strategy in combat following the journey of a lone archer battling evil forces in uncharted territories.

Archero Tier List Intro

In order to ensure your survival in Archero, it is important to choose the best heroes and equipment from the available options. Our Archero Tier List divides heroes, weapons, pets, and items into four categories: S-Tier for heavy duty, A-Tier for slow reliable tactics, B-Tier for tactical upwards, and C-Tier for the lowest performers. Keep in mind that our review is based on Mythic+ levels, and focuses on end-game viability. Additionally, we consider the overall performance of each item/hero, regardless of whether they need paid skin to function properly. While some heroes benefit from paid features, we’ve also highlighted several good options that are still effective for players who can play for free.

Archero Best Hero

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Archero heroes tier list 2024

While our Archero level list divides heroes into free and premium options, S-level characters require real money.However, you may need to invest in premium characters to win the leaderboard.Based on DPS, survivability, and ability to test heroes Top-choices are Helix, Meowgik, and Gugu for players not investing money.These heroes can compete well without having to have premium skins, even against players using premium characters.

Here are the hero names listed capable of reaching higher levels:

  • Atreus
  • Urasil
  • Phoren
  • Taranis
  • Helix
  • Meowgic

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Archero best Weapons list 2024

According to our Archero weapon level list, Death Scythe emerges as a top contender, boasting 145% damage data and great crowd-control capabilities. Conversely, the Brave Bow, your starting weapon, provides consistent midrange performance but lacks the immediate impact of melee techniques.

Archero weapon level list

Here’s a breakdown of weapons listed in the levels.

Tier 1: 

  • Antiquated Sword
  • Demon Blade
  • Gale Force

Tier 2:

  • Stalker Staff
  • Brightspear
  • Death Scythe

Tier 3:

  • Brave Bow
  • Tornado
  • Saw Blade
  • Mini Atreus

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Archero best Armors list 2024

Gear that supports your gameplay increases story, defense, and utility by providing bonus effects and feature enhancements.

List of Armor:

Tier 1: 

  • Bright Robe 
  • Shadow Robe 

Tier 2:

  • Vest of Dexterity 
  • Phantom Cloak 

Tier 3:

  • Golden Chestplate 
  • Void Robe 

Ranking of Armor:

A Tier:

  • Bright Robe
  • Shadow Robe

B Tier:

  • Phantom Cloak
  • Golden Chestplate

C Tier:

  • Vest of Dexterity
  • Void Robe

Campaign weapons are still popular among high-spending players, but for most it’s best to prioritize a Phantom Cloak,  Bright Robe, or Golden Chestplate depending on the hero, and decide which is the first.

Archero best ring list 2024

Archero best ring list

The rings at Archero are rated on effectiveness and rarity, with some options offering more value than others.

List of Rings by Tier:

Tier 1:

  • Dragon’s Ring
  • Bull Ring
  • Lion Ring

Tier 2:

  • Serpent Ring
  • Bear Ring

Tier 3:

  • Wolf Ring
  • Falcon Ring
  • Vilebat’s Ring

Ranking of Rings:

A Tier:

  • Serpent Ring
  • Lion Ring
  • Dragon’s Ring
  • Bull Ring

B Tier:

  • Wolf Ring
  • Vilebat’s Ring
  • Falcon Ring

C Tier:

  • Bear Ring

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Archero best Bracelets list 2024

Tier 1:

  • Frozen Bracelet 
  • Invincible Bracelet 
  • Quickshot Bracelet 
  • Shield Bracelet 

Tier 2:

  • Thunder Bracelet
  • Blazing Bracelet 

Tier 3:

  • Split Bracelet 

Archero best Lockets list 2024

Tier 1:

  • Angel Locket 
  • Agile Locket 

Tier 2:

  • Piercer Locket 
  • Bloodthirsty Locket 

Tier 3:

  • Iron Locket 
  • Bulletproof Locket 
  • Counterattack Charm  

Archero best Pets list 2024

Tier 1:

  • Laser Bat 
  • Flaming Ghost 

Tier 2:

  • Noisy Owl 
  • ELF 

Tier 3:

  • Scythe Mage 
  • Living Bomb 

Archero best Spell Books list 2024

Tier 1:

  • Arcanum of Time 
  • Giant’s Contract
  • Spectral Book 
  • Enlightenment Spellbook

Tier 2:

  • Art of Combat Spellbook 
  • Arcane Adventure 

Tier 3:

  • Ice Realm – Tier 3

Archero best Abilities list 2024

Tier 0:

  • Multishot
  • Ricochet
  • Front Arrow +1
  • Rage
  • Extra Life

Tier 1:

  • Wingman
  • Crit Master
  • Attack Boost (Major)
  • Slow Projectile
  • Bloodthirst

Tier 2:

  • Invincibility Star
  • Dodge Master
  • Agility
  • Diagonal Arrows
  • Bouncy Wall
  • Hermes’ Shoes
  • Attack Speed Boost (Major)
  • Inspire

Tier 3:

  • Piercing Shot
  • Headshot
  • Crit Aura
  • Spirit Blaze
  • Spirit Freeze
  • Spirit Bolt
  • Smart
  • Overdraft

Tier 4:

  • Blazing Strike
  • Frost Strike
  • Toxic Strike
  • Bolt Strike
  • Spirit Poisoned Touch
  • HP Boost
  • Speed Aura

Tier 5:

  • Blaze
  • Freeze
  • Blazing Star
  • Freeze Star
  • Fury
  • Heal
  • Dwarf


Developing gear combinations that increase strength and decrease weakness is essential to improving archery. Check out our detailed level list during selection patches to create powerful loadouts that improve your chances of mastering challenging levels.

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