
FarmVille: How to Fertilize Neighbors’ Crops and Earn Crop Whisperer Ribbon

FarmVille: How to Fertilize Neighbors’ Crops and Earn Crop Whisperer Ribbon

crop-whispererFollowing my newest found addiction: playing FarmVille on Facebook, I decided to keep everybody updated with tips, tricks and hints regarding Zynga’s game. Now the latest addition is the Crop Whisperer ribbon which is awarded to people who fertilize 100 neighbor crops. But… how to fertilize the neighbors’ crops and earn the ribbon?

It’s pretty easy, as long as you have loads of luck. You have to do the following:

1. Visit one of your neighbors’ farm on FarmVille and help them scare away crows, gophers etc.

2. If you are lucky, you will get RANDOMLY picked by FarmVille and receive five bags of fertilizer. Note the fact that it’s all RANDOM and you might help 20 neighbors without getting the bags, or you could help one and get them.

3. You will know if you got the five bags of FarmVille fertilizer if a small white and blue bag appears at the bottom left side of the FarmVille window, having the “x5” sign near it.

4. If that appears, you can now use it on your neighbors’ crops to fertilize them. Simply click on their crops and you’ll fertilize them (the crops will sparkle once fertilized).

And that’s all you have to do! Good luck and let us all know when you manage to get the ribbon!

UPDATE: For a while now, Zynga has been really kind and all people who are visiting their neighbor’s farms are getting five bags of fertilizer, so the ribbon is much easier to get now! Happy farming!

Special offer: A complete FarmVille guide can be purchased right now fur just $27. It would certainly put an end to all your problems. Click the link to check it out!


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I have helped over 120 friends yesterday and today. but so far, i haven’t come across even a single one of the so called bags. it’s like a waste of time.

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Yes, Hassan, for some it’s a bit annoying. I also helped around 50 people and didn’t receive any fertilizer in FarmVille. But I’m sure our time will come soon :)

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If you trap you player.. for example in the starting position with bails of hay your avatar will not have to move and makes harvesting/planting/plowing faster.
hope this helps people.
this fertilizer thing is lame I have helped 100’s of people and still no fertilizer.

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I have helped out my 120 neighbours evreyday, and have still received nothing, I have had my crops fertilized 2 times now, come on farmville this is a joke

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@Luscio Vero: It means that somebody else had them fertilized.

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I just went to help neighbors tonight and I got fertilizer for every neighbor I visited who had crops planted on their farms EXCEPT those who had tomatoes and corn, those cannot be fertilized. I had not helped neighbors in over 24 hours. We’ll see if I get any tomorrow. I have tomatoes currently on my farm so no shiny crops for me yet.

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I saw sparkling stuff on my crops and was wondering what it was, haha

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I saw five of my crops sparkling… when i get the cursor over the sparkling crops, it shows Sunflower 76% (Crops were fertilised by you neighbour)

I had similar sparkling stars popping up on few of my crops earlier and when i harvested it. I got 1exp along with coins and mastery.

This new addition is amazing.


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Went to help friends today and all of a sudde I have fertiliser, it works, my partner on other pc did not get fertiliser.
I then went back into my famr and another friend had fertilsed 5 of my crops.. so be patient!

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Martin Koch

Add me plss. martinpaulfrancis at yahoo.co.uk.

How come that you already have 120 neighbors? I already invited 50 friends then on number 51 it say’s you don’t have anymore request? how is that possible that you have 120 neighbors

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^_^ wow now i know thank you very much!! It will help aa lot!! ^_^

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Karen Eliot

If you go to help a friends farm and they have crops that aren’t mature yet, you will AUTOMATICALLY be able to fertilise 5 squares.

I don’t know if this is true for people using the cheat software.

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How do I earn FarmVille points? Mine are not accumulating very fast. Where do the gold coins that fly through the air come from?

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Virginia, if by points you mean experience points – simply be patient, Farmville is not a game to level up fast. These come from planting seeds, harvesting (at lower levels or at higher levels after you have three mastery stars), buying buildings and decorations and so on.

The gold coins that fly through the air come from plowing and it’s a random event – however, the more you plow, the more coins you’ll have.

And finally, keep your eyes on Unigamesity as I am working on a Farmville guide I will soon post online!

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the fertilisation for crops when u visit ur frnds works only when there are crops growing in the frnd farm and also when these crops are not fertilised by other frnds of the farm owner. its not random its based on whats growing on the visited farm. u get 5 fertiliser bags per farm which has crops growing on it.

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Hi All, Im looking for some farmville friends, just request me if your interested and I will accept you and invite you to be a neighbor.

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Add me as a neighbor! I do my best to send gifts and such!