
How to Get a Child in Frontierville

How to Get a Child in Frontierville

After getting married, the next step is to get a child in Frontierville. You get a Kid in the game by completing the Get Ready for a Baby quest. A child can be selected to help out in your homestead. Once you have a kid, they have their own goals to complete.

For the Get Ready for a Baby goal, you’ll need a Crib, 5,000 Coins and 25 Neighbor visits. By now you’ll already have 5,000 coins to use for this goal. You only need to make a Crib and to visit 25 neighbors.

You can make a Crib by going in your Barn. The materials needed for one crib are:

10 Planks
4 Tools
5 Ribbons

The Planks and Tools are needed to make two Sawhorses that are required from the Crib. As for the neighbor visits, you need to go to a neighbor and help in their homestead. A visit doesn’t count if you went to a neighbor before getting the goal. Don’t worry when the visit counter doesn’t immediately reflect the amount of visits you did in a session. When this happens, just refresh the game.


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i want a 2nd child. how do i get one?

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I think we do family chores.

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i had already the 5,000 money and a crib.. and i visit 25 neighbors why is it that still i cant make a baby? what would i do? the connection says lost 28 refresh again no baby made? what is that?

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After you have done al your quests for a baby u need to go to your stuff and look in photo album customise you and your husbands then your kid will pop up in album.

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you hav 2 buy the mission at the market then get the planks etc.

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Is there certain quests you need to do in order to get the make a baby quest?? I already have a spouse…

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Yes ..I have a neighbour who can’t get a child. The mission is not coming up. She has a spouse but the Get a Crib mission hasn’t showed.

Maybe it is because she doesn’t have enough neighbours

Anyone know???