
Funny FarmVille Barn Raising Bug

Funny FarmVille Barn Raising Bug

Because I had a ton of FarmVille decorations to store before the introduction of the Barn Raising, I also had a ton of barns and tool sheds, therefore I keep upgrading them to get even more storage space. Funnily enough, today I saw that there was a bug in FarmVille (very funny one, too) that made it basically impossible for me to get the upgrade this time.

As you can see in the funny image for yourself, it appears that I need a bit over 4 billion people to help me raise that barn. I know, it might’ve been the biggest barn in the world and in FarmVille, but I doubt that I will manage to get so many people help. Oh well, maybe next time (and until then, I’m afraid to click the “buy now button, I don’t want to own my life to Zynga with a few billion dollars). Pretty funny FarmVille bug, though, it certainly made my day!



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